looks like a really nice mod to me. but still....
i don't think skills should be bounded. after all, knowledge is unlimited. you can be an expert on 'whatever' and still learn something new and increase your knowledge on 'whatever'
is this the best you can do?
Well... kinda yes. I get it that you 'don't think skills should be bound', but hey, that's the way the game is coded. As you can see from the several skill uncapper mods, this issue is difficult enough that it requires OBSE to overcome.
I don't quite get what you're (still) dissatisfied with (unless you've got a D2D version of the game and can't use OBSE), insofar as it's quite an achievement to even break the lock on the cap in the first place... for example, there is still (and won't ever apparently be) no way to get the uncapped skills to
display over 100 in the native menus-- to do that, you have to use an additional mod to display a messagebox (again using OBSE) to see how far over 100 your skills actually are.
The game is what it is. You might consider counting your blessings that we can do this much. It's not like it was 'simple' or something

. If you have ideas concerning what effects might be offered by specific uncapped skills, however, I think that the authors of the various uncapper mods might like to hear any suggestions.