I don't remember this quest. I'll need to play as a mercenary again.
My favourite quest is a merchant who ask you to escort him to a town. Upon arriving in the town, you have a random chance of encountering guards, the Mages Guild, the Thieves Guild, the Dark Brotherhood or no encounter at all.
For each case, the merchant is seeked by these three groups and you have the choice of turning him to the group or not. It was a very cool quest.

I also remember one where you are looking for a particular NPC in a city. When you get inside his house, you find his body and he's been murdered. The first time I played through this quest, I was really surprised.
Anyone like to make up stories or backgrounds of some of the quest givers depending on what they ask you?
For example, my Thieves Guild questgiver asked to me rescue his child from the Dark Brotherhood...saying she was the only family he had left.
Then, he asked me to rescue his cousin in a random dungeon..saying she was the only family he had left.
Finally, after having rescued his two family members, he accuses me of stealing jewelry and runs away.
What a traitor!