Faction Trouble

Post » Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:54 am

Okay, this is simple, and I probably can't figure it out cause it's one in the morning and I've been modding all day, but how does one make other members of a faction friendly?

Here's the situation, if you care to read it: I'm working on a mod that gives the player an undead army to defend his crypt/home. The player can also recruit a small party of undead. These are special undead, belonging to the Necros Dead faction. Necros faction members have the "special combat" box ticked, and that seemed to solve my problem until I discovered I couldn't quick travel or sleep. The skeletons (rank 2) ignored me, but the liches (rank 3) attacked me on sight. The zombies (rank 1) have not yet been tested. While fighting a lich, one of the skeletal archers came to its aid and tried to kill me. I can only assume this is a result of Necros' team combat, but what confuses me is the fact that my supposedly allied skeletons prevent quick travel and sleep, and why only the rank-3 liches attack me. Does anyone know what exactly is going on here? Thanks in advance.

EDIT: New test showed the problem. My skeletons are set to Aggression 30. So they're just letting me walk around, as long as I don't attack them. Even at Aggresion 30 they still count as enemies. I want something a bit more undead...something that tells them to NEVER attack the player...any clues?
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:38 pm

I want something a bit more undead...something that tells them to NEVER attack the player...any clues?

Create an additional faction (like NecroLikePlayerFaction) and set its disposition to 100 towards itself and the PlayerFaction. That should solve the issue. You might also want to lower the aggression a bit. With an aggression of 18 or so, they will only enter combat with something that is attacking a friendly faction.
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Post » Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:39 am

Create an additional faction (like NecroLikePlayerFaction) and set its disposition to 100 towards itself and the PlayerFaction. That should solve the issue. You might also want to lower the aggression a bit. With an aggression of 18 or so, they will only enter combat with something that is attacking a friendly faction.

Necros dead already have a self-disposition of 100 and 100 to the Player Faction. I tried lowering the aggression, all the way to 0 as an experiment, but I still get "You can't ____________ when enemies are nearby." However, the undead won't attack me this way, but if I attack them first they'll still kill me. I figure it must be a problem with creature-player relationships as apposed to NPC-player, but I still don't know the problem.
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:12 pm

None of their factions are set to "evil" are they? I don't think the game accounts for players wanting to role-play as evil.
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Post » Fri Sep 10, 2010 3:50 am

None of their factions are set to "evil" are they? I don't think the game accounts for players wanting to role-play as evil.

No, I removed the undead faction, if that was evil, and none of my own are. Maybe it's a matter of giving the player faction +100 disposition to Necros Dead?
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Post » Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:26 pm

Sorry for the double post, it wouldn't let me edit my old one. Anyways......

*smacks self in face* Something worked, somewhere along the line, because now they're friendly again. Problem is, I was loading a save that was in the same cell that I've been working with, so none of my changes took effect. It works now, thanks everyone!

EDIT: New problem...HOW DO I MAKE THINGS FOLLOW ME AROUND? All I need to know. Just how to make them follow me when I say and go home when I say "stop following me."
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Post » Fri Sep 10, 2010 12:53 pm

You'll need to give each of them a 'follow' package with the target set to the player. If there are going to be lots of them you should set the distance to between 1000-1500. Also give them a generic 'wander' package that defines 'editor location' in the location tab so they will return home when they finish following you. Presuming you can already command them about, adjust the conditions tab so that the 'follow' package activates when you tell them to follow you. Make sure the 'follow' package is before the 'wander' package in the list.
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:26 am

You'll need to give each of them a 'follow' package with the target set to the player. If there are going to be lots of them you should set the distance to between 1000-1500. Also give them a generic 'wander' package that defines 'editor location' in the location tab so they will return home when they finish following you. Presuming you can already command them about, adjust the conditions tab so that the 'follow' package activates when you tell them to follow you. Make sure the 'follow' package is before the 'wander' package in the list.

Alright, thanks. I completely overlooked that somehow, I was just using the EvaluatePackage function, but that didn't work too well.

EDIT: One last problem, once this is fixed my mod is complete! My AI's can't use teleport doors. For what it's worth, the door is in a separate worldspace...It's a city gate that connects my mod's area to the rest of the world. Anybody know what the problem is?
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:00 pm

Does your new worldspace have pathgrids?
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Post » Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:27 pm

Does your new worldspace have pathgrids?

No. I suppose that's something like a Navmesh? Sorry, I forgot to edit that last comment after I tested some more. They CAN use teleport doors, just not the main gate. They're still able to enter the chapel/crypt (both are in my new worldspace), and when I quick travel they somehow are able to come with...I'm lost. There's another problem that causes some of my followers to disappear when using the door to the chapel. Again, I have no idea why.

Thanks for the help, I'll go mess around with the pathgrid thing and see what happens.
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