I recently made a Breton spellsword (custom class), trouble is, I don't have enough mana to cast my spells. I only have 34 mana, while most of my starting spells are in the 50-ish range. And the spells I purchased from the Mage's Guild are totally out of the question. Admittedly, I am only level 2, but it would be nice to be able to throw around a little magic, so I have a couple of questions.
1. Is magic feasible at lower levels? All spells seem to cost an awful lot, and most of the time I have to rely on my elven broadsword to see me through. (Pretty nice find, especially at level 2, if I do say so myself)
2. Does mana regenerate, or do I have to quaff potions or rest for it to replenish itself?