Well, a neutral mystic swordsman rules out the decidedly non-neutral paladin. Sounds more like the concept of a battlemage/nightblade/spellsword. The 'neutral' allignment, although it offers plenty of questing flexibility, carries the risk of peril in fan fiction. It is so easy to spell neutral as b o r i n g and devoid of passion. Neutral tends to mean you don't take a stand - meaning a character who stands for nothing.
If your focus in on fanfiction, you probably need to develop a plan for your character and force him to somewhat march through your script.
If your focus in on roleplay however, I would prefer to see such a character get off the boat and let them wander around Anvil as you listen to them tell you about themselves, learn what motivates them and allow them to set their own path.
In either case, it sounds like proficiency in magic is required. That might suggest a good Univeristy education. . . .
If you are exceptionally fortunate, you create an RP character who just happens to be endearing and makes interesting choices that are worthy of recording.