I used console commands to make my character's speed, agility, athletics and acrobatics go up so I could get everywhere quickly and effectively, and I noticed something about the game.
For 1 I can't edit AI without the CS crashing, it's a real pain in the ***, I have to make sure it's perfect and exactly how I want it or I'll have to delete all of the AI and start again, and for 2 the aerial power attacks make you run when you're in the air. I wanted to kill the captain of the boat I made by flying out of the water and cutting him with a "Death from Above" but instead I got a running stab animation in the air.
So it got me thinking, "Why not have the correct animations, with a chance of falling?" And I realized that we could easily have the correct animations, and how well you can do power-attacks in the air without falling could be related to your acrobatics skill.
Also, edge-grabbing would be a huge plus, I hate having to build the roof-top walkways the way I do. :swear: