I am surprised at how little difference the Light spell makes, and the Night Eyes spell doesn't seem to do a thing. Guess I'm spoiled by Oblivion. Did anyone ever make a mod to improve these two spells?
Also, I've notice how your character always starts out at walking speed when loading a Quicksave made when you were running (also not like Oblivion). Did anyone ever try to fix that with a mod?
Uuh, if you don't notice a difference, I suggest checking the actual settings for your screen. Because as long as I play in full-screen, the light & night eye makes HUGE differences. However, playing in window mode decreases the difference they make (or the difference they appear to make). And yes, I've played Oblivion plenty, and I would say that the Morrowind night eye is way better, when you actually have got about 100 points in Night Eye.