Er, maybe not to you, but games here in America aren't that bad.
Are you using Canadian dollars or American?
I don't doubt that different Gamestops will have different prices.
But to say that they are always expensive? I don't know.
They are almost always a fair and normal price for games.
I've gotten games dirt cheap from them. Yeah, Darksiders being sold for $9.99 somewhere else means that company is getting it's money from something else. Like the Mafia.
Heck, I bought a game for 3 dollars and sold it a year later for 18 dollars.
Battlespire is so rare.
Sorry you've had bad experiences with them, but for me, they are very nice. Wal-Mart is usually more expensive. Gamestop is not that bad here, in North Carolina anyway.
As for their shipping, it's probably going to get there by 9 at the latest. Otherwise not only will they refund shipping, the mail service will get yelled at.
Are you using Canadian dollars or American?
I don't doubt that different Gamestops will have different prices.
But to say that they are always expensive? I don't know.
They are almost always a fair and normal price for games.
I've gotten games dirt cheap from them. Yeah, Darksiders being sold for $9.99 somewhere else means that company is getting it's money from something else. Like the Mafia.

Heck, I bought a game for 3 dollars and sold it a year later for 18 dollars.

Battlespire is so rare.

Sorry you've had bad experiences with them, but for me, they are very nice. Wal-Mart is usually more expensive. Gamestop is not that bad here, in North Carolina anyway.
As for their shipping, it's probably going to get there by 9 at the latest. Otherwise not only will they refund shipping, the mail service will get yelled at.

Gamestop is expensive. Their prices match that of Walmart, which I find to also be expensive. The only time I go to Gamestop is for used games, games that you cannot find new anymore, but even then I dont like to buy their used games because it comes with that ugly sticker on it. Bestbuy has good deals, they give weekly deals there, on games and accessories. Walmart gives weekly deals, but they are not as great as Best Buy.
I'm using Canadian prices, and all gamestops have the same prices, I believe. Yeah, they offer a normal price, but a normal price doesn't cut it. I want a better than normal price. But thats their business, games, if they dont profit from it they go out of business. If I was making $250k a year I wouldnt mind paying $40 for Overlord 2, but since I'm a broke student, gonna have to go with the $15.
So, this weekend gonna grab Plants VS Zombies for $15, new, whereas it would be $20 at Gamestop, new. Also gonna grab Fable 2, platinum hits with the 2x DLC's on disk for $15. At gamestop the regular Fable 2 is $20, no DLC, and even if it was the platinum hits w/DLC it would be $20, mabey even $30.
Gamestop is expensive.
Just to throw it in there. I paid $340 for :celebration: