? Least six significant digit represent GPA, where 100100 (3610)represents a GPA of 3.6 (36/10).
? Bit 7 is used to represent gender, where a 0 is ‘F’ and a 1 is ‘M’.
? Bits 11-8 are used to represent the student’s grade.
? Bits 16-12 are used to represent students’s age.
Under this scheme, the binary number 0110110001100110 represents a student who is 13 years old, is in the 8h grade, male and has a GPA of 3.8 (38/10).
I have everything done but the gender part because gender is Mm/Ff and I can't figure out how to take a text input. I just need that and if gender = M or m then I just need to add 64 to the encoded number.