OOC : sheet was just approved, so here it is. I hope your all ready for a cumbersome old man who cant really fight and isnt used to the desert. Dont leave him behind!

Oh I made one slight change to my misc. items PfA, I hope you dont mind me not asking for consent first seeing as is such a small little thing...and old coot needs to wipe his brow afterall!
Name: Custer Penforth
Race: Breton
Age: 57
Birthsign: The Tower
Physical Description: Custer is a gallant gentleman, and this is shown rather clearly in his appearance. At considerable height, he is still somewhat muscular despite his middle age, and has a proud stiffness to his every move. His face is beginning to wrinkle, and his cheekbones are sharp and sit tightly under the eyesocket, making his actual cheeks hollow and skeletal. His nose is a great big proud thing and bulges out from below his small beady milky blue eyes.
Custer loves his facial hair, and this is evident in his thick shaggy "mutton-chop" sideburns that run down the side of his head, ending on the jawline just before the neck. The actual hair on his head is showing signs of aging and thinning, and is somewhat scraggly in comparison to his great chops. It is combed into a smooth-wave look.
His skin is flustered and sunburnt in places, being a brreton nobleman...he really is generally ill prepared for life in the desert and this is evident in his bad skin.
Role in the Fort: Lieutenant of the guard, he maintains watch-shifts and keeps an eye on those who are on duty. A former watchman himself, his aging has planted him in duties that are more administrative in nature.
History: Your typical Breton snob raised in Cyrodiil, Custer joined the legion at a young age to do his father proud. Although showing no real exceptional skills, he was generally seen as an old gentleman figure...a refreshing change from the usual unlearned rabble that joined at that age, and gathered a mutual respect from the troops around him. Literate and intelligent, he was seen as a cut above the standard grunt. Now an old veteran, his fighting days are mostly over...but even he is not prepared for what lies ahead.
Weapons: Imperial Legion standard issue longsword, it hasnt seen much use and theres nothing exceptional about it. A inherited family dagger hangs from his belt, but it is purely for show and even then theres no really special about it. Decorated in black and gold, its pleasant to look at, but is impractical for use in battle.
Clothing/Armour: Legion studded leather cuirass and greaves, well cared for and clean. It shows some wear and tear from the weather, but is otherwised cared for well. He wears black leather riding boots that ride up to the knee, and thick gloves made from doeskin with a heavy fur trimming. They are cumbersome and heavy however, and make weilding a sword hard. When the conditions have the need for it, he wears a brown cape/cloak made of linen. It has a beige lining on the inside and includes a hood and cape. He wears the stadard legion belt.
Misc. Items: He carries a straight razor in a small case, although he rarely uses it due to the great love he feels for his facial hair. A small cotton hankercheif, once white...now a sort of ill-greyish colour and stained with sweat.