» Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:12 pm
My own custom edited Castle Hestatur(I've quadrupled the landmass, adding a small forest with various forest animals, a small farm with a few farmers gathering grain, a couple of small mining deposits in a small pit with miners picking away, a ship off of the dock that can transport you to Dagonfel, Kuul and Ravenrock, much darker interior lights, Illuminated windows on the exterior, and a small fishing dock with fisherman behind the castle and past the farm, the castle starts out locked, with a Deed holder outside willing to sell you the deed and provide you with a key for the paultry sum of 5 million gold..............as well as a second mod that adds animated grass to the landmass). :blink: :shrug:
Either Julan, or possibly my edited "A Lords Men" where I've added about 60 new guards all with unique names that can be hired, as well as having named all of the trainers and used various clothing and armor mods to outfit each one individually, as well as added dialogue for the highering of the new guards and a few added bits to allow my the new "hero" ranked guards that I made to be followed by the nameless guards that are hired.....I may not release anything since everything I mod is basically edited bits of other peoples work, but I do like playing around in the CS! :user: :hehe: