I linked to the sailable ship above, but I also said, it
DOES NOT use animated .nifs.
They are moved through script
ALONE, no animation in the .nifs at all. This means you can just move the character by attaching the same movement scripts.
This is how all sailable boat scripts I've seen do it, using the http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes3Mod:Move IIRC.
I thought this was how platforms would be done too, but I'll have to check this platform Axel is talking about, and see if I can help out.
Ask iio. That's why I said you could get someone to script the movement of the cable ship instead of animating it.
If you have animated the .nif, it's difficult to place the character onto the mesh. You might be able to use placeatme, or something similar to riding scripts, but then your character can't move while you ride it.
You cannot detect the position inside a mesh using special bones
USING SCRIPT, which is the point I'm getting across here.
Adding a new bone would do nothing, as you wont be able to detect it's coordinates in your scripts, just as you can't detect the coordinates of a weapon or shield bone.
I'm really, really sorry for the capitals, I don't want to sound rude, but I just want to get the important parts across.

edit: I also want to say that my knowledge in scripting is not that great, I'm more of a modeller/animator, so I may be wrong about some of this, in which case I'm sorry, but I'm contributing to the discussion, and just trying to help out with what knowledge I do have.
Great job on Ald-ruhn btw, I look forward to playing it.