I understand (and am excited) Brink has structured an online environment which supports competitive game play, through a critical thinking atmosphere and style of playing. But I have been curious what developers have done to support league play.
As a past Counter-Strike 1.6 player in leagues like CAL (Cyber Athlete League) and CEVO (Cyberevolution), I have not seen too much emphasized on this yet. Not to say I don't commend Brink on its current efforts in providing a public atmosphere to support smart play (no pun intended). I think there is great value in the connection between the competition environment, and the growth in skill / longevity of the game. Much like what sports titles are building into their interface's, I would like to see FPS's take the same approach in keeping up that aspect of the replay value.
Is there a built in interface which supports match or scrimmage based play? (as opposed to sifting through posts on mIRC

If so, what can we expect from it?