So, I want to introduce a Greeting that will be said once, that will be conditionalized to be said as soon as those conditions are met and the NPC is encountered (these are existing NPCs in the game). I guess, kinda like a force greet in that I'm controlling the encounter, but I don't want to do a force greet, I really want it to be part of the ebb and flow of normal dialogue without the NPC being so obviously in the player's face. Is this possible? I see examples of things that look like they might work like this, in the game already, but it's unclear to me if the random other greetings don't interfere with the specifically conditioned Greeting (which is not checked to be random and is checked to be said once) and I really don't want to go into the game and play through a quest right now to find out what happens in the greeting (the thought makes me too tired right now), although I will if no one can answer the question for me. I'm wondering if putting the Greeting at the top of the list of Greetings has something to do with it? I've tried doing something like this in the Conversations Tab and had no luck with experimenting with random/no random/conditions, etc. but haven't seen any examples of it in game, whereas I've seen something that looks like what I want setup in the game in Greetings, I just don't know if it executes like I want. Also, I'm not sure I haven't tried something very like this before with very little luck, but I've experimented so much with dialogue that I cannot remember every thing I've tried :blush:
:) llama