Anyway, this topic is meant to dissect the qualities of the ethnicities and cultures of the elder scrolls and attempt to compare and contrast them to certain cultures. In particular, I will make a listing of races that seem to share the qualities of distinctive cultures that can be found around the world.
This is done so that we will have a better understanding of the TES races, their culture, as well as where Bethesda may have acquired their inspirations from.
Here is the list: - Not much has been revealed about them other than the fact that they hail from a tropical island known as the Summerset Isles. They have an affinity for magic and they are very scholarly. While having golden skin and being rather tall, I could not point them towards any race specifically. - While they no longer associate themselves socially, whether due to extinction or by the simple choice of avoiding cultural assimilation, there are records of their appearances and their culture as well as ruins of their former dwellings and structures, providing us with an almost complete of idea of their architectural style. Racially, in terms of looks, they are recorded to have a skin coloration that is darker than the Altmer, but lighter than the Dunmer. This could indicate that they have a tannish or olive skin tone, similar to that of the Bosmer of Valenwood. This record would be accurate as, due to Cyrodiil being a subtropical heartland, darker skin would prove to be a useful adaptation. Tropical and sub-tropical regions are usually located towards equatorial regions and they recieve more sunlight.
As for their culture, they lived in tribal packs that typically lived separately and sparsely across Cyrodiil, establishing city-states.
Architecturally, the Ayleids build large structures from white stone, which often have a subterranean interior. Most of their structures, while being made of stone, have crystals, known as Welkynd stones, that serve as both a source of light, like that of a torch, as well as a power source for their cities, with the greater cities having larger and grander crystals. These crystals are usually located at the heart of the Ayleid dwellings. Much of cyrodiilic human culture has adopted this architecture, as an example, most of the Imperial City has adopted their architecture, with most buildings being made of the white stone that the Ayleids used.
In conclusion, I believe that a lot of their culture has been inspired by the Greek culture. The stone buildings and the grandeur of their ruins, as well as the cultural city states that they lived in. Their skin tone may have even been borrowed from Grecian ethnicity, but that could just be coincidental. - Being a proud race, they are often traditional in culture and custom. However, with the exception of the Cyrodiilic Empire, they have adopted many of their customs. They are an elven race, who followed the prophet Veloth to Morrowind after separating from other Aldmeri society due to the Dunmers' (at the time known as the Chimer) choice to worship the Daedra. They have dark gray skin, with deep red eyes, the color of the ash that surrounds Red Mountain.
Culturally, they are divided, and within those divisions, there are even more divisions. One spectrum of Dunmer culture is comprised of political houses that battle constantly with each other in order achieve to political and economic superiority. While there were originally six Great Houses, there are now only 5, with only three of taking interest in Vvardenfell. Those 5 houses are House Redoran, House Hlaalu, House Telvanni, House Indoril, and House Dres. More information about the great houses can be found here:
On the other side of Dunmer culture, you have the 4 major Ashlander tribes: the Urshilaku, the Ahemmusa, the Erabenimsun, and the Zainab.
This excerpt describes the social order of the Ashlanders:
The Ashlander society is comprised of nomadic camps which have portable huts of hides stretched on chitin frames which can be quickly dismantled and packed atop a guar when moving to new hunting grounds and grazing grounds for their guar and shalk. The ashkhan of the tribe has a much larger yurt, though the khan's hut is simply a larger, more elaborate version of a family hut. Some particular qualities exclusive to these Ashlander camps include reed wind chimes, seemingly organic lanterns of various colors as well as decorative bug bowls.
Leaders in Ashlander society are known as 'khans', the chief khan being the Ashkhan. The Ashkhan is the greatest champion of the Ashlanders and serves as the chief and war leader of the tribe, as well as being the Warrior-Protector of the tribe's Ancestor cult.
Below the Ashkhan of the tribe is the Farseer. The Farseer is the wise woman or shaman of the tribe who gives counsel to the Ashkhan through arcane wisdom and prophecy; the wise woman or shaman is also known as the Oracle-Seer of the tribe's Ancestor cult. During times when there is no Ashkhan and no Gulakhan there to become Ashkhan, a strong Farseer may take the position of Ashkhan for themself and take on the leadership of the tribe.
Below the Farseers in Ashlander society are the Gulakhans. The Gulakhans serve as the chief warriors and champions of the tribe, protecting the honor of the tribe in peace and war. Apart from this they also give counsel to the Ashkhan in tribal affairs, and represent the tribe to guests and intruders.
Below the Gulakhan is the Champion of the tribe, who has much of the same role as the Gulakhan. The ranks after the Champion follow as Guide, Clanholder, Initiate, Brother, Hearthfriend, and Clanfriend. Sometimes outlanders can be adopted into the tribe as a Clanfriend, but the trust of the tribe must first be won.
The majority of Ashlanders serve the tribe as scouts, herders or hunters, with each tribe also having a healer. As the Ashlanders are nomadic, the herds must be looked after and food must be hunted, but the herders and hunters are also charged with guarding the treasures of the land that nourish the Ashlanders and make them strong.
Leaders in Ashlander society are known as 'khans', the chief khan being the Ashkhan. The Ashkhan is the greatest champion of the Ashlanders and serves as the chief and war leader of the tribe, as well as being the Warrior-Protector of the tribe's Ancestor cult.
Below the Ashkhan of the tribe is the Farseer. The Farseer is the wise woman or shaman of the tribe who gives counsel to the Ashkhan through arcane wisdom and prophecy; the wise woman or shaman is also known as the Oracle-Seer of the tribe's Ancestor cult. During times when there is no Ashkhan and no Gulakhan there to become Ashkhan, a strong Farseer may take the position of Ashkhan for themself and take on the leadership of the tribe.
Below the Farseers in Ashlander society are the Gulakhans. The Gulakhans serve as the chief warriors and champions of the tribe, protecting the honor of the tribe in peace and war. Apart from this they also give counsel to the Ashkhan in tribal affairs, and represent the tribe to guests and intruders.
Below the Gulakhan is the Champion of the tribe, who has much of the same role as the Gulakhan. The ranks after the Champion follow as Guide, Clanholder, Initiate, Brother, Hearthfriend, and Clanfriend. Sometimes outlanders can be adopted into the tribe as a Clanfriend, but the trust of the tribe must first be won.
The majority of Ashlanders serve the tribe as scouts, herders or hunters, with each tribe also having a healer. As the Ashlanders are nomadic, the herds must be looked after and food must be hunted, but the herders and hunters are also charged with guarding the treasures of the land that nourish the Ashlanders and make them strong.
More information about Ashlander culture can be found here:
Dunmer Urban architecture is summarized by this quote:
Dunmer towns are typically organized around a dominant central feature, either the ? Temple or the grand manor residences of the ? Great House ? nobles. Urban Temple compounds feature high-walled outer courtyards, with smaller shelters and halls clustered around the Temple ? Shrine itself. Aristocratic residences of the Great Houses are similar to Temple compounds with walled outer courts and outbuildings for craftsmen and servants, dominated by a grand manor residence in place of the Temple Shrine. Simple multi-storied public and commercial buildings -- tradehouses, craftguilds, and such -- are usually rectangular in floor plan, built from local materials, featuring organic curves with decorated exteriors. More modest one-story private dwellings follow the same plan, except with less decoration.
In conclusion, I believe that the Dunmer are made up of a mixture of several different cultures, the most prominent being Aztec, Mongolian, and Egyptian. Most of the Great House structures appear to be styled after Aztec pyramids. However, The pyramid structures and the use of the scarab-looking shalk, which are displayed on banners, seem somewhat Egyptian as well. Yurts are Mongolian Tents that were often used by a wide range of mongolian peoples; those people ranged from simple nomadic hunters and farmers to soldiers and Khans. These tents would suit the nomadic Ashladners very well. Also, the word choice of Khan for their tribal chief is a title meaning leader in Turkic, Bulgar, and Mongolian. - The Bosmer are the stereotypical wood elves who dwell in the forests of Valenwood and revere both nature and animal. There only real distinctions in the TES universe in their creation origin, their height, their culture, and their tendancy to get on the nerves of others. Other than that, they seem to be similar to the universal wood elves that fill fanatasy novels and games. Because they are so universal, I could not begin to dissect them. I only know that their language, and all the elven languages, sound a little bit like Hebrew. - While it could be correct to call them "Dwarves", they are most certainly not the stereotypical small folk that are apart of almost every fantasy universe. They are actually an elven race who followed laws of logic and reasoning, and devoted themselves to the sciences of the arcane and engineering. Dwemer had a very high aptitude for enchanting and many of their artifacts are prized for them. While they do wear beards, the look more elven, and have the stature to match too.
While I believe that they are culturally unidentafiable, I believe that they look look somewhat Mesopotamian, both in dress and racial appearances.
See Link for Dwemer Concept Art:
I'll be back to post more later. Next log is for the TES Race of Men. :lightbulb:
EDIT: Due to certain problems, I will be repeatedly editing the links. Please forgive any problems. Thank you.