Have you tried using Cntrl-F12 to increase the FPS?
Oh yes - my CPU cycles are at max, and I've tried stuffing the Frameskip up as well

On the ImDisk thread, Gruekeeper alluded to a "different build of DOSBox" which worked "beautifully" on his 1.3ghz Acer. Perhaps that extra 0.3 ghz allows DosBox to work fine?..
Everything else (sound, strafing, climbing, enemy/pedestrian behaviour) works perfectly atm with Turbo and VDM - its just the invisible quest spawns which render the game unplayable. :shakehead: RAWR! :banghead:
EDIT: Is no-one else trying to get this running on a UMPC? Isn't it the dream to have Daggerfall played as if on a DS?
EDIT 2: If someone could please conjure up an amazing solution I'd be (financially) grateful!