» Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:05 am
Along the same vein as "gothemasticator"... kind of.
How about having the citizens be the quest? I mean Oblivion really lacks in character so it'd certainly be unique. Have everyone sort of start out as your generic Oblivion NPC.
"Hi I am "
" is nice it has good ."
"I saw a mudcrab the other day, nasty critters!"
But then maybe one time when you're talking to them they'll drop some little personal fact/interest,or you'll see them making glances at someone, or acting out of character/weird at certain times. Then you can choose to try and help them with whatever the issue is.
Nothing banol as: "I'm running low on peanut butter", conversely nothing as serious as: "My wife was kidnapped by slavers!"
Could be little match maker stuff,
teaching something
Finding a child's favorite toy that they lost
acquiring a pet
Settling feuds between friends/family
Basically achieving something that is distinctly meaningful for someone without it being "life or death", or some generic "task", and.... after doing this the schedule, dialogue, animations, interactions, and everything between the citizens would slowly result in a significant change to the city and its inhabitants... for the better of course, or I guess... if you wanted to you could sabotage people's life long dreams and cackle manically as the city descends into chaos