However, I wondered what if I delete an object that is my own ID imported from outside? I was told that if there is an asterisk by the count number that the file is corrupted, but as soon as I make a new ID, even if the count is 0 (as in I only made a new ID and never got to save the object) there is an asterisk there. So what exactly does that mean? And of course, I tried to test that erasing of my own ID and what happened that it completely removed that new object from my mod and all used objects from the world that share the ID instead of "fixing" that (logically).
Is there a way to "clean" the mod if I saved one of my own IDs without erasing it completely from the cs plugin file? (since I've been saving for as long as I mod which is some 7-8 years, and it's a bad habit I won't easily stop doing )