I made an invasion for Castle Hoarfrost using the Maruaders as a Template for my attack. I have tried all kinds of things using the packages but i CANNOT get the NPC to behave properly. I want them to attack Right away, set a package to got to the spot and then start attacking every NPC they see. Also when they are attacked for the other maruaders to join in.
They will fight right now but Mostly one at a time getting picked off by friendly NPC guards.
I have agression set to 100 disposition has been 0-30, I have tried them to target NPCs in the packages but then the maruaders talk to eachother before finally being triggered to attack but mainly by the friendlies attacking them eventually. Its make a POOR invasion.
I Need to know if there is a Simple Script I can make that will Cause them to Draw swords and go straight into combat and attack NPCs right away? I dont know if my problem is a buggy oblivion or not, but I am at a loss. Can anyone help me out?
Thanks in advance.