» Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:14 am
It didn't work.
The mod came in five parts.
One for the faces of Argorian & Khajiit it came with an esm, esp, and a bsa
One for the faces of Imperial, Redgaurd & Breton it came with an esm, esp, and a bsa
One for the faces of Elves it came with an esm, esp, and a bsa
One for the faces of Nord & Orcs it came with an esm, esp, and a bsa
And one with an esp, and a esm which is supposed to be used when you are using the four above
I am using that esm, the esp is there for editing purposes
All the bsa's are registered and acorrding to the read-me's it should work, but I still get that same error message
None of them are dependent on eachother