The Illusion of Sanity
It was a crazy day. On one side of the old rotten shack there was snow falling, on the other side rain made its appearance and, in order to make the situation even more peculiar, the sun was shining brightly over the hills of Skyrim.
In this poor house there lived three people, all Nords: a couple, Uwe and Nordike Fernis and their first born son, whose name has not yet been decided. They called him “boy” and lived humbly and happily for quite a while. After 31 months this kid was still called ”boy”.
Then something unexpected happened, at least for the parents. One day the head of the mages guild of a nearby town and wanted to have a few words with the parents. That day was today. The mage entered the shack and greeted the Fernis couple. “Boy” was playing with some sticks on the ground. It seemed he was making up a story about knights and dragons. Nordike Fernis invited the visitor to a cup of Sujamma, but he gently refused. The nord did not insist.
“So what do we owe the honour of your visit, sir…?” Uwe asked merrily.
“My name is not of importance, good lady, nor is yours or your husbands, if you allow me this daring remark. The name whose importance is relevant is your son’s name.”
The young woman smiled, ignoring part of what the mage said: “My name is Uwe Fernis, proud and happy wife of Nordike Fernis right here. So, is there something wrong with our boy?”
“Well, missis Fernis” he answered hastily “I had a little chat with your son, whose name I just can’t seem to understand, and I…” he seemed to have run out of words.
“Call him `boy?” she helped him out. “We haven’t decided a name yet. It’s just too important to be decided in such a short period of time.”
“Well, the thing is that your son HAS a name already.” “I don’t understand.” Her voice seemed to reflect slight irritation. A storm was coming up.
“Well I asked him about his name, and he told me that it was ‘Wedontknowyetbutwellsoonhaveone’. I, of course, was intrigued by that response and asked to him how come he has such a strange name. He answered to me that his parents – you, that is – used to tell his name to everybody that asked them.”
The mother’s expression changed from irritation to amusemant: “Did he now? Why, Nordike, what a clever son we have.”
The father, however, seemed to be a bit confused, not knowing if that was a good sign or not: “We certainly do, but tell us, why did you-“. The husband interrupted himself as he noticed the mages expression. He asked: “What is it?”
“Uwe, Nordike, this is not all of it.” he paused for a second, letting the rainfalls drizzle fill the tense silence. A storm is coming up.”He explained to me that he thinks his parents don’t really know how to give names, so he decided to give himself a name. ‘From now on, I am Doljak Fernis’, these were his exact words.”
Both husband and wife turned their heads towards the boy, who stopped playing with the sticks. He simply grinned and looked at his parents with a smile as bright as the sun outside. “Doljak?” ”Yes, mother?” Nordike gulped and demanded:”Why did you do that?”
“You get angry because mommy wants a different name for me, and mommy gets angry because you want a different name for me, but if I decide my own name, you will stop fighting and we all get happy” he replied in a strange tone, as if he would explain things to fools.
The drizzle of the rain was not enough to fill the gaping silence in the shack. Finally, the head of the mages guild broke the silence: “Uwe, Nordike; your son is a genius.”
“This – this cannot be…”, Uwe muttered. Nordike just stared at his son with disbelief, not able of saying a single word.
“What do you mean ‘This cannot be’? This is no joke, good lady. Your son is a genius and needs proper education and training. He will make a formidable mage. Have you seen his abilities? By the nine, he could tell me how many people were in our town without even having to take some time to count them. I didn’t believe it at the beginning, but he’s right! We are exactly 537 people here! His perceptive abilities are above all of ours, and he’s not even three years old! He can even-“
“My son won’t take training nor classes from mages! Who do you think you are to stomp in here and take away our son? Are you that desperate that you need children for you fiendish plans?” Uwe was outraged. She even got up and put herself between the mage and her son. The snowfall turned into a blizzard.
The mage was not offended in any way. He kept sitting calmly on the wooden bench and looked compassionately at the nordic couple: “I understand your position and your reaction, but rest assured that we will make this up to you. We can feed him good to make him strong and train him to be a successful and powerful mage. This is a one in a lifetime opportunity for the whole region of Skyrim to show that amongst nords there are also great mages. Please consider our offer.”
Finally, Nordike reacted. This seemed to be too much for him: “No! We will not listen to any of your brainwashing stories or offers or whatever! Our son stays here! This farm needs a strong successor to continue its father’s legacy. It has been so, it is so, and it will stay so for the rest of our lives! That is our son’s future, this is our boy, an no-“
“My name is Doljak.” The storm suddenly stopped.
Chapter One: Revelation (part 1)
“The door needs to be repaired, mother. It is jarring again.” A fourteen year old boy entered the shabby room, where his mother was preparing dinner.
“That is not of my concern; talk with your father about that, while we take dinner.” The nord woman looked at him with her frosty colored eyes. “You should have taken a bath, young man. You stink like a horker.”
The boy sighed: “Yes, mother.” While he was on his way out again, he heard her mother shouting coldly: “And tell the worth for nothing that calls himself my husband that he better have some good fresh meat for tomorrow. Winter is getting close and we still haven’t stocked up on food!”
Cold, cutting wind from the nord was swirling the boy’s blonde, greasy hair as he was running down the hill to the small stream that was flowing nearby his home. He filled an old bucket with the freezing water and stepped into the rivulet, then emptied the bucket on his head, letting the cold water drip throughout his hair and face.
That seemed to have triggered something, because suddenly something strange happened. The nord boy knew what it was. Everything seemed more…clear now. He could feel the cold airs flow, hear the crackle of fallen, dry leaves, he could taste the soft smell of winter, he even could smell the taste of his coming dinner. The boy was familiar to this feeling… I see again
The young man staggered a bit backwards. His eyes were pointing straight up, and his eyelids, which were twitching nervously, hid his blue iris, so that there was only the white part to see. His mouth was half-opened, and he was beginning to dribble. He felt weak, but more alive than ever. His limbs were numb, deaf to their surrounding, not feeling the cold of the freezing water nor of the frigid air. However, he felt with some other parts of his body. Whichever they were, he did not know.
Although his eyes were not able to see physically, he actually saw something. I see again. Everything had now it’s perfect order for the nord. Everything made sense know. Everything was so crystal clear when these flashes came to him, like visits from another mind. Every single one of his questions he always asked himself were answered… by something, or someone? It felt as if there was another one with him when he fell to that state of all-knowing trance.
Is someone helping me see the things they are now? What if I am not alone? No… I am alone, my mind is playing tricks on me! But I feel as if I could answer every single question made by the wisest elder of Tamriel. By the nines, why am I the only one who thinks this is good? Perhaps because it is not good? But if it feels good, then it HAS to be- NO! Don’t ever say it’s good! Remember what Mistress Daurata said: Use Illusion magic to cure your mental illness. But it’s not an illness, I’d rather say I am ill when I don’t feel like tha- Silence! Use Illusion magic now! Do you want to end as a madman? Return to your older self! Return to sanity! With difficulty, the teenage boy could suppress his feelings with the magic he was taught, but the bitter aftertaste of returning to common knowledge remained.
“Doljak!” a rude voice shook his feelings away. “I talks to you! Have you already taken your bath?”
“Wha-? Oh, yes father.” Doljak looked to a tall and strong Nord. His father’s name was Fernis, Nordike Fernis. He also had, like typically all Nords, blue eyes that reflected the shivering of the mountains, but his were slightly different. Although Nordike talked to him in a rude manner, there look in his eyes deceived his aggressive attitude. He was proud of his son, there was no doubt about that.
“Uwe told me that you had something to say to me. Well, what is it?” “It’s about…” murmured Doljak mind absented “…The door! The door needs repairing, it is jarring, that was it. Sorry father.”
Nordike nodded with a grunt: “Yes I noticed it on today’s morrow. Wind is approaching rapidly from the east. Better get back or you’ll get sick. Good boy.” “Yes, father.”
Father and son got up the hill without exchanging any words. There were none to exchange, the sheer absence of words showed some kind of respect and caring for each other. Nordike bluntly opened the door and entered the shack, followed closely by Doljak.
“Uwe, I hopes dinner is ready!”
“It is, my dear husband, and I love you too for helping me SO much with the dinner.”
“I and Doljak goes hunting, and you makes dinner! It’s as simple as that!”
Like always, as the family was preparing for the scarce meal they had each dinner, father and mother argued. Like always, they would end up with the same argument. Uwe thought it was disgraceful that Doljak did not receive proper education, while Nordike felt doing the right thing just giving him the most needed tutoring: Mistress Daurata’s Illusion class. He would learn the rest of important things through his father.
Doljak did not support any of them, but he didn’t really care what they would do with him. He had plans of his own. Then his parents would never fight again. After all, he would kill them tomorrow, on his birthday.
“How can you be so incredibly stupid? Even I understand now that our son is a genius, that he deserves more in life, he deserves to live the life of a mage, not a commoner! Who do you think you are deciding over his destiny?” She had barely touched her food, and Doljak was glancing at it with hungry interest.
“My son, don’t listen do that old hag. She just wants to use you. She wants to live like a noblewoman. She should have married a nobleman when she had the chance!” Nordike said with a sarcastic and mocking tone. He looked at her directly in the eyes, and Doljak could even feel the crackle of the tense air.
“You disgraceful fetcher! I married you because I loved you! I thought you were bold and smart. But it seems you are just a horker’s stinky son that has nothing but his stupid farm and your stupid dreams.” Uwe abruptly stood up and ran out of the shack both called ‘home’.
But Doljak wasn’t ‘home’. He did not feel like he was at ‘home’. The feelings for home he had its place far away, deep in the southern forest Skingrads. He would go there now, if his mother would allow him. If she wouldn’t he would go anyways, but secretly. Then he would listen to that voice he imagined to hear sometimes.
“Uwe, come back!” the big nord pledged. He looked to his son, who had finished his food and taken a few bites of his mothers. His rude voice had a soft tone now: “Son, you knows I wants the best for ya. Lemme talks with your mom again, so we can have dinner agai-“
“I want to go to the forest. Now.” The boys voice had such determination that Nordike got a bit confused. He did not seem to find a fitting response, but he nodded anyway and finally murmured: “I’ll tell your mom, she will understand.”
Let me tell you that I already have slight ideas of my flaws in the story. My grammar is not the best. Please take also in mind that I am not english nor amerikan, nor english, and I already know my english is not the best.
EVERY kind of criticism is allowed. Feel free to bash whatever you want. I am new and I learn quickly with roughness
I hope you enjoyed the storie as much as I did writing it.
It was a crazy day. On one side of the old rotten shack there was snow falling, on the other side rain made its appearance and, in order to make the situation even more peculiar, the sun was shining brightly over the hills of Skyrim.
In this poor house there lived three people, all Nords: a couple, Uwe and Nordike Fernis and their first born son, whose name has not yet been decided. They called him “boy” and lived humbly and happily for quite a while. After 31 months this kid was still called ”boy”.
Then something unexpected happened, at least for the parents. One day the head of the mages guild of a nearby town and wanted to have a few words with the parents. That day was today. The mage entered the shack and greeted the Fernis couple. “Boy” was playing with some sticks on the ground. It seemed he was making up a story about knights and dragons. Nordike Fernis invited the visitor to a cup of Sujamma, but he gently refused. The nord did not insist.
“So what do we owe the honour of your visit, sir…?” Uwe asked merrily.
“My name is not of importance, good lady, nor is yours or your husbands, if you allow me this daring remark. The name whose importance is relevant is your son’s name.”
The young woman smiled, ignoring part of what the mage said: “My name is Uwe Fernis, proud and happy wife of Nordike Fernis right here. So, is there something wrong with our boy?”
“Well, missis Fernis” he answered hastily “I had a little chat with your son, whose name I just can’t seem to understand, and I…” he seemed to have run out of words.
“Call him `boy?” she helped him out. “We haven’t decided a name yet. It’s just too important to be decided in such a short period of time.”
“Well, the thing is that your son HAS a name already.” “I don’t understand.” Her voice seemed to reflect slight irritation. A storm was coming up.
“Well I asked him about his name, and he told me that it was ‘Wedontknowyetbutwellsoonhaveone’. I, of course, was intrigued by that response and asked to him how come he has such a strange name. He answered to me that his parents – you, that is – used to tell his name to everybody that asked them.”
The mother’s expression changed from irritation to amusemant: “Did he now? Why, Nordike, what a clever son we have.”
The father, however, seemed to be a bit confused, not knowing if that was a good sign or not: “We certainly do, but tell us, why did you-“. The husband interrupted himself as he noticed the mages expression. He asked: “What is it?”
“Uwe, Nordike, this is not all of it.” he paused for a second, letting the rainfalls drizzle fill the tense silence. A storm is coming up.”He explained to me that he thinks his parents don’t really know how to give names, so he decided to give himself a name. ‘From now on, I am Doljak Fernis’, these were his exact words.”
Both husband and wife turned their heads towards the boy, who stopped playing with the sticks. He simply grinned and looked at his parents with a smile as bright as the sun outside. “Doljak?” ”Yes, mother?” Nordike gulped and demanded:”Why did you do that?”
“You get angry because mommy wants a different name for me, and mommy gets angry because you want a different name for me, but if I decide my own name, you will stop fighting and we all get happy” he replied in a strange tone, as if he would explain things to fools.
The drizzle of the rain was not enough to fill the gaping silence in the shack. Finally, the head of the mages guild broke the silence: “Uwe, Nordike; your son is a genius.”
“This – this cannot be…”, Uwe muttered. Nordike just stared at his son with disbelief, not able of saying a single word.
“What do you mean ‘This cannot be’? This is no joke, good lady. Your son is a genius and needs proper education and training. He will make a formidable mage. Have you seen his abilities? By the nine, he could tell me how many people were in our town without even having to take some time to count them. I didn’t believe it at the beginning, but he’s right! We are exactly 537 people here! His perceptive abilities are above all of ours, and he’s not even three years old! He can even-“
“My son won’t take training nor classes from mages! Who do you think you are to stomp in here and take away our son? Are you that desperate that you need children for you fiendish plans?” Uwe was outraged. She even got up and put herself between the mage and her son. The snowfall turned into a blizzard.
The mage was not offended in any way. He kept sitting calmly on the wooden bench and looked compassionately at the nordic couple: “I understand your position and your reaction, but rest assured that we will make this up to you. We can feed him good to make him strong and train him to be a successful and powerful mage. This is a one in a lifetime opportunity for the whole region of Skyrim to show that amongst nords there are also great mages. Please consider our offer.”
Finally, Nordike reacted. This seemed to be too much for him: “No! We will not listen to any of your brainwashing stories or offers or whatever! Our son stays here! This farm needs a strong successor to continue its father’s legacy. It has been so, it is so, and it will stay so for the rest of our lives! That is our son’s future, this is our boy, an no-“
“My name is Doljak.” The storm suddenly stopped.
Chapter One: Revelation (part 1)
“The door needs to be repaired, mother. It is jarring again.” A fourteen year old boy entered the shabby room, where his mother was preparing dinner.
“That is not of my concern; talk with your father about that, while we take dinner.” The nord woman looked at him with her frosty colored eyes. “You should have taken a bath, young man. You stink like a horker.”
The boy sighed: “Yes, mother.” While he was on his way out again, he heard her mother shouting coldly: “And tell the worth for nothing that calls himself my husband that he better have some good fresh meat for tomorrow. Winter is getting close and we still haven’t stocked up on food!”
Cold, cutting wind from the nord was swirling the boy’s blonde, greasy hair as he was running down the hill to the small stream that was flowing nearby his home. He filled an old bucket with the freezing water and stepped into the rivulet, then emptied the bucket on his head, letting the cold water drip throughout his hair and face.
That seemed to have triggered something, because suddenly something strange happened. The nord boy knew what it was. Everything seemed more…clear now. He could feel the cold airs flow, hear the crackle of fallen, dry leaves, he could taste the soft smell of winter, he even could smell the taste of his coming dinner. The boy was familiar to this feeling… I see again
The young man staggered a bit backwards. His eyes were pointing straight up, and his eyelids, which were twitching nervously, hid his blue iris, so that there was only the white part to see. His mouth was half-opened, and he was beginning to dribble. He felt weak, but more alive than ever. His limbs were numb, deaf to their surrounding, not feeling the cold of the freezing water nor of the frigid air. However, he felt with some other parts of his body. Whichever they were, he did not know.
Although his eyes were not able to see physically, he actually saw something. I see again. Everything had now it’s perfect order for the nord. Everything made sense know. Everything was so crystal clear when these flashes came to him, like visits from another mind. Every single one of his questions he always asked himself were answered… by something, or someone? It felt as if there was another one with him when he fell to that state of all-knowing trance.
Is someone helping me see the things they are now? What if I am not alone? No… I am alone, my mind is playing tricks on me! But I feel as if I could answer every single question made by the wisest elder of Tamriel. By the nines, why am I the only one who thinks this is good? Perhaps because it is not good? But if it feels good, then it HAS to be- NO! Don’t ever say it’s good! Remember what Mistress Daurata said: Use Illusion magic to cure your mental illness. But it’s not an illness, I’d rather say I am ill when I don’t feel like tha- Silence! Use Illusion magic now! Do you want to end as a madman? Return to your older self! Return to sanity! With difficulty, the teenage boy could suppress his feelings with the magic he was taught, but the bitter aftertaste of returning to common knowledge remained.
“Doljak!” a rude voice shook his feelings away. “I talks to you! Have you already taken your bath?”
“Wha-? Oh, yes father.” Doljak looked to a tall and strong Nord. His father’s name was Fernis, Nordike Fernis. He also had, like typically all Nords, blue eyes that reflected the shivering of the mountains, but his were slightly different. Although Nordike talked to him in a rude manner, there look in his eyes deceived his aggressive attitude. He was proud of his son, there was no doubt about that.
“Uwe told me that you had something to say to me. Well, what is it?” “It’s about…” murmured Doljak mind absented “…The door! The door needs repairing, it is jarring, that was it. Sorry father.”
Nordike nodded with a grunt: “Yes I noticed it on today’s morrow. Wind is approaching rapidly from the east. Better get back or you’ll get sick. Good boy.” “Yes, father.”
Father and son got up the hill without exchanging any words. There were none to exchange, the sheer absence of words showed some kind of respect and caring for each other. Nordike bluntly opened the door and entered the shack, followed closely by Doljak.
“Uwe, I hopes dinner is ready!”
“It is, my dear husband, and I love you too for helping me SO much with the dinner.”
“I and Doljak goes hunting, and you makes dinner! It’s as simple as that!”
Like always, as the family was preparing for the scarce meal they had each dinner, father and mother argued. Like always, they would end up with the same argument. Uwe thought it was disgraceful that Doljak did not receive proper education, while Nordike felt doing the right thing just giving him the most needed tutoring: Mistress Daurata’s Illusion class. He would learn the rest of important things through his father.
Doljak did not support any of them, but he didn’t really care what they would do with him. He had plans of his own. Then his parents would never fight again. After all, he would kill them tomorrow, on his birthday.
“How can you be so incredibly stupid? Even I understand now that our son is a genius, that he deserves more in life, he deserves to live the life of a mage, not a commoner! Who do you think you are deciding over his destiny?” She had barely touched her food, and Doljak was glancing at it with hungry interest.
“My son, don’t listen do that old hag. She just wants to use you. She wants to live like a noblewoman. She should have married a nobleman when she had the chance!” Nordike said with a sarcastic and mocking tone. He looked at her directly in the eyes, and Doljak could even feel the crackle of the tense air.
“You disgraceful fetcher! I married you because I loved you! I thought you were bold and smart. But it seems you are just a horker’s stinky son that has nothing but his stupid farm and your stupid dreams.” Uwe abruptly stood up and ran out of the shack both called ‘home’.
But Doljak wasn’t ‘home’. He did not feel like he was at ‘home’. The feelings for home he had its place far away, deep in the southern forest Skingrads. He would go there now, if his mother would allow him. If she wouldn’t he would go anyways, but secretly. Then he would listen to that voice he imagined to hear sometimes.
“Uwe, come back!” the big nord pledged. He looked to his son, who had finished his food and taken a few bites of his mothers. His rude voice had a soft tone now: “Son, you knows I wants the best for ya. Lemme talks with your mom again, so we can have dinner agai-“
“I want to go to the forest. Now.” The boys voice had such determination that Nordike got a bit confused. He did not seem to find a fitting response, but he nodded anyway and finally murmured: “I’ll tell your mom, she will understand.”
Let me tell you that I already have slight ideas of my flaws in the story. My grammar is not the best. Please take also in mind that I am not english nor amerikan, nor english, and I already know my english is not the best.
EVERY kind of criticism is allowed. Feel free to bash whatever you want. I am new and I learn quickly with roughness

I hope you enjoyed the storie as much as I did writing it.