The term reference may point to two seperate things, a reference variable or a reference of a base object that exists in the world. A short explaination is on or a (scroll down to the rest of the info).
Ahh, thank you very much, that's a very helpful link.
I don't think items that are in an inventory/container even have references in the game. You are probably using their Obejct FormIDs (that is what the function GetInventoryObject returns).
EDIT: About your first question, I think you need to use SomeScript.SomeVariable, but I may be wrong...
EDIT: About your first question, I think you need to use SomeScript.SomeVariable, but I may be wrong...
Well the way I see it, SomeScript.SomeVariable would be very amibuous because there's multiple uses of the same script by different actors, so how would I differentiate between SomeScript(A).SomeVariable1 and SomeScript(B).SomeVariable1 ?