Anyways, I went on a small downloading spree, and I noticed in Living City's readme, it was talking about a compatibility patch with MCA 4.1... and that patch doesn't work with MCA 5.0... Well, just wondering if there's a patch for MCA 6.1 and Living Cities yet! lol. It seems like MCA 6.1 is pretty new.. So I'm not holding my breath, just hoping
And also, I decided I was going to play an orc! So any Orc-ish mods you would recommend? And I seriously need new orc heads Better Heads doesn't cut it lol. I have Westly's orc headpack, and not a fan of Barabus', those are the only ones I could find.
edit: Almost forgot, Thanks in advance to anybody who replies
edit2: and orc hairs?