I guess I'll start.
My main character Calacirya Aranwe, a Wood Elf female, has been with me for at least 6-7 years, since the first time I ever played Morrowind. That being so, her history was kind of a mystery even to me until I got more into lore (= I concocted it up after already playing her for quite some time). She was born in Valenwood a long, long time ago, but being an elf is still looking pretty good for all her old age. She's the daughter of a wealthy elven family, but was separated from them in an accident and sent to Vvardenfell. There, she became Hortator and Nerevarine, joined House Hlaalu, became Fighters Guild Grandmaster... as well as fell in love with an assassin of the Morag Tong, who pulled her into the assassin's guild along with him. She has an apparent talent for killing, so she became Grandmaster for the Morag Tong but was shortly after forced to leave Vvardenfell when her involvement with the Morag Tong was publicized by someone within the guild wishing to dispose of her. She came to Cyrodiil and was immediately swept up in the Oblivion crisis, being the very ambitious person she is - she has a lust for power and wealthiness, and really wanted to get it back after everything went wrong in Vvardenfell. She became Champion of Cyrodiil, ranked up in the Fighters Guild and took a little trip over to Shivering Isles, re-emerging as the Duchess of Mania and Sheogorath. Great, back on track with the wealthiness and power and fame! Until she recieved a letter from an old friend in Vvardenfell, telling her that the person who had originally betrayed her involvement in the Morag Tong was the man she had loved. Calacirya get mad easily and has a bit of a temper, so she went and joined the Dark Brotherhood just out of spite, knowing that the Morag Tong and Dark Brotherhood really don't get along very well. She's now the Listener and is plotting her revenge on the Morag Tong of Vvardenfell, who's Grandmaster is rumored to be none other then her old lover.
As a person, Calacirya's ambitious and really loves to live luxuriously. She can't stand being poor or weak, and even though she can be a steel-hard assassin at times she's a very loyal friend and has numerous soft spots. She loves to have pets and takes very good care of them - she's had numerous pets from the day I learned you could have them in Morrowind. She's spiteful and vicious when angered, and doesn't forgive or forget anything easily. She has questionable morals, but will always do things to make up for past wrongs she's committed. Calacirya's religious tendencies tip towards Daedra worship, and Sanguine and Azura are the two she actively worships. She's an excellent Marksman and prefers stealthy attacks to full-on charging into battle. In close combat she prefers a longsword. She always wears various light armor, and prefers Ebony as her main weapon type.
I don't have any pictures of her from the Morrowind ages, but these days she http://kauhumieli.net/troya/OB/calacirya4-1.jpg http://kauhumieli.net/troya/OB/calacirya6.jpg http://kauhumieli.net/troya/OB/calacirya.jpg.
I can only concentrate on a few characters at a time, so the other character I'm currently playing aside from Calacirya is a fairly new one. Ezra is level 4 and likely to be one of my all-time favorites - she's a Mystic Elf female, who really isn't the nicest person ever. She was born in Cyrodiil to unknown parents, and raised by adopted parents in a settlement close to Cheydinhal. The settlement was overrun by goblins and her whole adopted family perished, while she was out visiting the city on some errands. She hates goblins for this reason and pretty much revels in killing them. She favors sneakiness and is a half-Mage-half-Archer type of warrior. She goes for Illusion, Mysticism and ranged Destruction spells, but prefers to at least start off her attacks with archery. She's a pretty skilled archer for her experience, but will hopefully grow and develop when we get to know each other better.
She's not exactly religious and not on good terms with the Nine Divines, but she doesn't have any problems with helping out Daedra, though she doesn't particularly worship them. She's currently a member of the Dark Brotherhood, so Sithis and the Night Mother are close to her heart.
Ezra's moral center is quite questionable, and even though she looks cute she's not a very nice person. She has a weakness for good-looking men, but other than that will kill rather ruthlessly. She's still bitter over the loss of her family, and doesn't want to get attached to anyone for this reason. As it is, she's always lonely and would really like some company - this might drive her to get out in the more mainstream world at some point and do something for the good of Cyrodiil and not just for herself. As a person she's selfish, but people she cares about she'll go to any length to treat well.
And she http://kauhumieli.net/troya/OB/ezra4.jpg http://kauhumieli.net/troya/OB/ezra3.jpg http://kauhumieli.net/troya/OB/ezra1.jpg.
As a person, Calacirya's ambitious and really loves to live luxuriously. She can't stand being poor or weak, and even though she can be a steel-hard assassin at times she's a very loyal friend and has numerous soft spots. She loves to have pets and takes very good care of them - she's had numerous pets from the day I learned you could have them in Morrowind. She's spiteful and vicious when angered, and doesn't forgive or forget anything easily. She has questionable morals, but will always do things to make up for past wrongs she's committed. Calacirya's religious tendencies tip towards Daedra worship, and Sanguine and Azura are the two she actively worships. She's an excellent Marksman and prefers stealthy attacks to full-on charging into battle. In close combat she prefers a longsword. She always wears various light armor, and prefers Ebony as her main weapon type.
I don't have any pictures of her from the Morrowind ages, but these days she http://kauhumieli.net/troya/OB/calacirya4-1.jpg http://kauhumieli.net/troya/OB/calacirya6.jpg http://kauhumieli.net/troya/OB/calacirya.jpg.
I can only concentrate on a few characters at a time, so the other character I'm currently playing aside from Calacirya is a fairly new one. Ezra is level 4 and likely to be one of my all-time favorites - she's a Mystic Elf female, who really isn't the nicest person ever. She was born in Cyrodiil to unknown parents, and raised by adopted parents in a settlement close to Cheydinhal. The settlement was overrun by goblins and her whole adopted family perished, while she was out visiting the city on some errands. She hates goblins for this reason and pretty much revels in killing them. She favors sneakiness and is a half-Mage-half-Archer type of warrior. She goes for Illusion, Mysticism and ranged Destruction spells, but prefers to at least start off her attacks with archery. She's a pretty skilled archer for her experience, but will hopefully grow and develop when we get to know each other better.

Ezra's moral center is quite questionable, and even though she looks cute she's not a very nice person. She has a weakness for good-looking men, but other than that will kill rather ruthlessly. She's still bitter over the loss of her family, and doesn't want to get attached to anyone for this reason. As it is, she's always lonely and would really like some company - this might drive her to get out in the more mainstream world at some point and do something for the good of Cyrodiil and not just for herself. As a person she's selfish, but people she cares about she'll go to any length to treat well.
And she http://kauhumieli.net/troya/OB/ezra4.jpg http://kauhumieli.net/troya/OB/ezra3.jpg http://kauhumieli.net/troya/OB/ezra1.jpg.
Well... your turn? ^_^
EDIT // Wow, I just got on my computer and noticed how huge those paragraphs are... they did not look that big from my phone, I swear. This forum must have some really funky line/letter spacing or something. :blush: