When I've created thieves before, they've usually been of the eloquent, roguish-charm type, and I usually make a Wood Elf or Dark Elf.
This time though, I wanted a really gritty thief, one that definitely isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. So I've got a Khajiit male. I dont want him to go down the Assassin's Guild route, although if something happened to him in game that pushed him that way, he may join. My intent for now though is that he does not join.
His motivations are mostly selfish. He will do pretty much anything for gold, hence why he's gone the thief route. He robs citizens and has many brushes with the guards. More recently, he's discovered ancient tombs and the like, and quite likes to loot those. They are worth far more than people and houses, but the risk is much higher.
So he's got into a fair few scraqes. A lot of the time he's had to run away, and I like that. He definitely can't go toe to toe with most things. He will sneak past most things, preferring to avoid conflict, but if his obstruction in a ruin etc can be taken down with a few shots, he'll do that. If it's something pretty tough, he's quite happy to leave it alone.
My question is, should he join the Fighters' Guild? Right now, and for his background, he doesnt really suit the guild. But he will do pretty much anything if the price is right, and my thinking is that once he's robbed a few tombs and faced what they have within, he will probably think "how hard can this fighter stuff be?". He will figure that he can outsmart most of the guild members there and rather than fight his way to an objective, he can just sneak around to it with the minimum of hassle.
The other option is that the fighter thing isn't really for him, and that it's too far out of his role. Reason I'm questioning this is because my past roles have been very delicate thieves, good for cutting purses but definitely not up for much of a fight. This guy though is more mercenary than anything. So he's not really a thief by profession, but rather one out of necessity. If there was higher paying work, he'd take it.
As for his alignment, definitely neutral, but with a touch of "why should I care?". He'll take quests from other people if there is a decent reward, or if it opposes any guards etc, who are always a thorn in his side. So the corrupt guard style quests are fair game. As is the Thoronir one in the Imperial City, because there is both fair reward, and a certain amount of interest because clearly by investigating these dodgy traders, he might learn a thing or two, and maybe put the competition out of business in the process.
So, quests where some disgruntled guy wants someone dead because he's angry, that's a no. Likewise anyone in distress that needs a helping hand, that's their problem unless they cough up gold.
*Edit - having re-read the above, I know it doesnt read well and gets kind of repetitive and circles back on itself etc. Welcome to my brain