Heh... Can anyone really say that any advanced living thing has a purpose?
Especially when talking sentinent beings.

???? Now what would you say if someone suggested that MK has no purpose? (I have been led to believe that MK's purpose is to get drunk and scribble things either as part of being drunk or as a way of dealing with the hangovers) Or do you believe that only primitive, non-sentient things have purposes? I would have thought that every advanced, sentient living thing creates its own purposes. Did you mean to say something else?
In the Lore somewhere - I will take some time to find that, but I believe it was connected with a war between other ancient races?
But does he want to share them with us? :shakehead:
Once upon a time he did want to share with people outside his own - but then someone made a mess of adapting a mod he made, neglected to beta-test the changes and and blamed Giskard for the mess - and a lot of people jumped on that bandwagon without checking the facts - a major loss to the community.
While being total unbased [censored], I would prefer if the FG-storyline Hist tree was corrupted by "Civilization".
Mainly because I can't get enough of that clich?.

De gustibus non disputandem
You keep your Stargate away from my Elder Scrolls!
I don't like 'sciencing up' Es - but you might try it at a different level - there are various ways that plants parasitise and symbiotise other plant species and animals too. Could be they have 'control' at a micro-level - so that it merely appears to be influence to those without microscopes - even a God that does not think in those terms might not understand what the Hist were doing if so. an dwe have not explored the finer nature of the Hist on so many levels.
On the surface they appear to be trees - but then they might have the properties of many different kinds of vegetation - consider mushrooms for example.
About where they come from: Well there is UESP wiki Lore currently under revision at this url: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tamriel:Black_Marsh - all they mention is the Elnohfey Wars ... etc ...
will continue checking - might have been a fan speculation but let's see ... I guess I should refer you to putty's link above. Whether his attempt to link Hist and Tseasci makes sense there is this:
The Hist were bystanders in the Ehlnofey war, but most of their realm was destroyed as the war passed over it. A small corner of it survived to become Black Marsh in Tamriel, but most of their realm was sunk beneath the sea.
The Hist, therefore, are survivors from the Dawn Era, apparently immortal, and confined to a single region and a single form. Unlike the Ehlnofey, they did not become wanderers -- or, at least, most of them did not. But more on that later.
So I am happy to note that there are other sources that hold a different viwe of their origins, and even happier to find that there are others who see at least some of the Hist as wanderers - because again what I was reaching for is that there is likely more to the Hist than static thought or being planted in one place ...