» Fri May 27, 2011 4:15 am
Wherever it says that the last listed effect takes precedence, it's wrong.
For the animation and the shader used, the most expensive enchantment (in terms of enchantment points necessary) is the one that's used, and if the enchantment point costs are the same, then the first one listed is the one used.
Shock costs a fair amount more than anything else. Fire costs more than Frost. Up to about 12 points or so of damage though (I don't remember exactly where it changes), it's not enough to make any difference, so whichever effect is listed first is the animation and shader the game will use. Beyond that point, shock costs enough more that, if the damage amounts are the same, no matter what the order, that's the shader and animation that'll be used. If the enchantment is just fire and frost and the damage amounts are the same, then fire is the one that will be used, again no matter what the order. Again-- that's only when the damage amounts are high enough that there's a difference in enchantment cost. If the enchantment costs for each of the effects are the same, then the game will use the first listed effect for the animation and shader.
When you go to enchant the item, it'll tell you how many enchantment points each effect costs. Just make sure that the one that you want the shader and animation from requires the most points, or (usually) that they're all the same and it's listed first, and that's the shader and animation you'll get.
Note-- that "usually" is in there because the game truncates values when it displays them-- it uses decimals internally, but just lops them off when it shows you the values. So it might say that your fire enchantment is 17 points and your frost enchantment is 17 points, but inside the game, it might actually be 17.1 points for fire and 17.8 points for frost, so you'll end up with the frost animation and shader anyway.
The safest thing to do is just to save the game at the enchantment altar, do the enchantment, then equip the weapon and see which shader you got. If it's the wrong one, do it again with different values and/or a different order.
For yours, with 10 points each of just fire and frost, whichever you list first should be the shader and animation you'll get.