Darren opened his eyes slowly. Even thirty years after the apocalypse, he was still dreaming about zombies. He could see the bloated white corpses climb the sides of the Ark and shamble towards him. Even now that the dream was over, the image of his father’s disfigured face was still imprinted in his mind. Darren opened his eyes and let his body adjust to the night. Shadows slid across his eyes as he lay awake. He could hear the rainfall ping off the rusty metal around him and roused himself. He pulled on his boots and, not bothering with the frayed laces, woke his mother and sister. He let them awake slowly and gathered up his ratty garments from the corner he kept them in.
“We needed this”, he thought. “At least my clothes need this. I have to rub out that dead fish smell”. When he stepped out into the warm rain, he began to undress. He saw other lower class Ark inhabitants out in their undergarments, rubbing the dirt out of their few outfits. The rain served a complimentary shower from the gods for the underprivileged individuals on the Ark. Darren finished cleaning his clothes quickly because he only had three outfits that had now lasted him five years. He hung his pants on the makeshift hooks he had made from the walls of the shipping container that was their home. He crawled by onto his cot and pulled his ill-fitting sheet over his body. He listened to the dark waves out the window for a moment before falling asleep again.
Katie was having trouble sleeping. She thrilled with anticipation and joy. “Henry and I get to spend the day together! And he said he had something he wanted to give me. I need to sleep so I can get the most out of out day together”, she thought. She stared at the blank, cold walls around her and willed herself to sleep, to no avail. She felt very happy to have Henry. Henry was just one big teddy bear of a guy. He was a tall nineteen year old boy built like a tank, but he had a heart of gold and was as loyal as a dog. Unfortunately, he was about as educated as a dog. His mother left when he was five, floating off into the unknown ocean to search for land. It tore Henry and his father apart to see her go. Henry’s father was part of the Resistance, a rebellious group that wanted to get what they deserved from the privileged people on the other side of the wall. The wall separated the “Guests” from the founders, a barrier that must be torn down so that everyone on the Ark can be equal. Henry always told Katie how he missed his family, then would follow it up with a hug and a promise that he would never leave her. Katie had similar family absences when her dad was always planning things with the Security and her mother was always holed up at Founder’s Tower. All the sad thoughts about her family combined with the rhythmic patter of the rain outside eventually put her to sleep.
Darren woke up when the sun hit him in the face through the crude hole they called a window. He grabbed his jersey and the cargo pants off the floor and put them on. He gathered up his fishing pole and “bait” and head off to the dock. It was truly bait but just bad food but it was good enough for the fish. Darren loved fishing because it was a good way to relax and let his mind wander. He thought about his father frequently on these trips. “Where is he? Where did he go? Is he even alive? Why had they not heard anything?” Darren’s father left him on the same expedition that had taken Henry’s mother. They had gather what little food could be spared and floated away promising to find land. It only took three day before they had lost radio contact.
“Hey Darren!”. Henry’s shout brought Darren back to the real world. “I knew I’d find you here fishing like you do every morning. It’s Valentine’s Day! Go spread some love!” Henry was leader. He was always talking with people and getting things done. People said Henry would lead the Resistance one day. Darren thought otherwise. Henry was too peaceful for war plus Henry’s girlfriend lived on the other side of the wall.
Katie woke with a smile. Today was Valentine’s Day and she had someone to spend it with. She was so excited she could barely contain it. First she was going to go shopping. She liked going shopping not only because she got new clothes but she had to wander by the orchard to get to the market. The orchard was always a beautiful place. The trees gave a sense of life the clean white walls of her home lacked. She resisted the temptation to grab a juicy orange from one of the trees. Anyone caught stealing from the orchard was in for a severe punishment. The Security is so protective of their fresh food supply that the Resistance can’t work there.
Katie wandered through the many shops liking what she saw. She saw many shirts she would love but she passed them up looking for a dress. Henry told her to be in her best dress and so she was taking the opportunity to buy one. In the back of the store she found their small stock of dresses. Special occasions didn’t happen too often and even if they did, everyone thought being there was more important than looking nice. The strain of supporting the “Guests” on the other side of the fence made it so there was never time for luxury clothing. Katie found a beautiful white dress that was a little big and went halfway down her shins. She bought it hoping she grow into it.
“We have to spread the love man” Henry said.
“How do you want to do that?” Darren asked.
“We have to send a message. We have to find something good to say. I’ve got a can of spray paint so all we need are the words to be written.” Henry said
“What do you want me to write?” Darren asked this because he knew Henry couldn’t read or write. Henry could speak a little of a lot of languages but could read a single one.
“I want it to say ‘Thank You!’ as a message to the Founders for letting live here and to the gods for lettings us live” Henry said in thoughtful voice.
“You’re really a prophet, aren’t you? That’s one deep message” Darren said as he climbed the containers to a large blank sheet off metal. As much as he liked his friend he would just feel way too silly writing Henry’s message, so he wrote ‘Free Ark!’ instead. What Henry didn’t know couldn’t hurt him.
“Looks great!” Henry said when Darren had finished. “Thank you” Henry said with a crushing hug.
“I’m proposing to Katie today” Henry said quietly and smiled. Darren watched in amazement as Henry pulled out a gold ring. “My mother gave it to me when she left.” Henry said.
“Good for you man! Katie will love it” Darren said.
“I’m going to take off now. Wish me luck!” Henry said.
“See ya! Good luck!” Darren shouted as Henry went jumping off the large shipping crates as he left.
Katie met Henry at the gate. Luckily the guard that had wanded him hadn’t found the ring when Henry went though the security check. Henry gave her a big, warm hug and kissed her.
“You look beautiful” He said. “I love you”
“I love you too” She answered. Henry began to lead her by the hand. They walked hand in hand into the evening until they came to the abandoned airport. Katie hadn’t seen this part of the Ark at this time before. How Henry knew about this she could only guess.
“I remember when we washed up here” Henry began “We were starving on a small house boat when it came here. I never forget his place because it looked of salvation. I came here because this is where my life began on the Ark so I thought it fitting that my new life began here as well.” Henry got down on one knee and wobbled as the Ark rocked. “What I mean to say is, will you marry me?” He extended the ring and Katie marveled at its brilliance in the setting sun.
“Yes!” She threw her arms around his neck before he even had a chance to stand up. He smiled, stood and kissed her passionately.
Darren saw Henry made it back though the gate right before curfew. He had nearly sprinted all the way from the airport to the gate to make it.
“How’d it go?” Darren asked before Henry could say a word.
“She said yes” Henry answered with a giant smile.
When night came Darren found himself on Henry’s nightly good night walk. Darren never did understand why Henry always loved saying good night to everyone. He always came with him mainly because the night air always felt good after a hot day.
“Good night! Guten natcht! Buenos noches!” Darren and Henry said as he passed the many families in their rusted homes. Henry even said good night to the guards who were playing their nightly poker game. Henry then spotted a new guard on duty.
“Hi I’m Henry” he said as he approached.
“Stay back!” the guard shouted at Henry.
“I just want to sa-“ Henry was cut off by the sound of gun fire. Darren watched as Henry fell backward from the force of the bullet in his chest.
“HENRY!” Darren ran to his side but Henry was already dead. The gun fire attracted the citizens of Container City but everyone was too late to save the boy. So instead of trying to save him they took Henry’s clothes. Darren knew everyone here needed more but it still hurt to see Henry reduced to a naked bloody body. Everyone dispersed after Darren volunteered to carry the body to dump it at sea. Henry was heavy with muscle and sadness. After the body went over the side, Darren ran before he could hear the sharks devour Henry’s body. Darren decided tomorrow he would fight with the Resistance. “Let’s start a war” He thought.
Katie waited by the gate for Henry’s nightly parting words when she heard the shot. The name Henry could be heard clearly over the wall. Katie heart hurt at the sound she listened to the commotion of feet as people ran to the sound. She waited for thirty minutes shivering with cold and fear trapped behind the gate. When she finally heard nothing, she ran home to listen to the radios broadcast of deaths. At the end of the Resistance deaths she heard, “Henry, nineteen, killed by friendly fire”
They must have heard of our marriage. Someone couldn’t stand the idea of Security marring Resistance and killed him. Her father was making a bio weapon for the Security. She would convince him now was the time to use it. “Let’s start a war” She thought.