haha thats pretty funny but i want something epic. I was thinking of a wood elf who is tired of being stereotyped as a no good bosmer and becomes a crime lord who ends up finding old tomes that help him tap into his magic abilities. He uses his weatlth of being a crime lord to train and he starts to become obsessed with power and seeks to turn himself into something of a demigod. Thats kinda my rough draft.
Sounds good. I once had a Breton a bit like that. She wasn't allowed to cast spells because of a curse until she had completed all the daedric quests at which point the "curse" was removed. She lived by stealth for the first 20 levels and completed the TG, although not the DB - she wasn't vicious enough for them. It was a lot of fun.
Some of the books are found only as dungeon loot - you could make those your "rare tomes".