» Thu May 26, 2011 11:13 pm
Well... there's a reason why it's easier to say what you don't want, rather than what you want.
I, for example, would like TESV to be virtual-reality, have lifelike NPCs that aren't limited to conversation trees or "clones" in the case of guards or bandits, the ability to smell the fresh bread whenever I walk by a bakery, and feel the weight of a sword in my hand.
I tell that to a Dev, and he'll look at me like I'm crazy and say "Good luck with that!"
So... yeah, we tend to want things that aren't easy to get (or anywhere near feasable,) so we tend to say things that we don't like, such as the scaled enemies or how badly the lockpick mini-game nulled the security skill, which are relatively easy for a Dev to fix.