guys ( & girls? ) i just wanna say fantastic work and job well done to you all. you've honestly made the most amazing mod i've seen so far and i walked around bree (sadly couldn't go in houses yet

) and it looks way better than anything i've seen professionally made on LOTR games. you've outdone anything i've seen so far and i just figured you should know how great your work is. thankyou very much for making this and putting it out there for everyone to use, it really is an immensely impressive piece of work xD
(i have one question, i'm having trouble in all of the middle-earth areas, in place of some of the buildings are huge yellow warning signs with "!" in the middle of them. Minas Tirith is just one huge collection of those signs all near eachother. does anybody know what i can do to get rid of this or fix it? any help would be much appreciated, and thanks in advance).