Why are we missing out?

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:47 am

PCs are expensive. If I could have found a pc for the price of my ps3 that could play the same games, I would have done it. It was unbelievable that I was even able to get a ps3. I am an RPG player and truly am a pc gamer, but I don't have a decent pc. Please, help find me a good gaming pc for anywhere close to $400. It's not that simple. My mom doesn't spend excessive amounts of money on luxuries and I can't find a way to make money.

Depends on how bad your PC is. Usually, an Upgrade to your Ram and/or a Videocard will be enough, as well as a harddrive if you need more memory. After about 5-10 years, you may need to upgrade your computer's CPU, and very rarely the OS (only very recently do games require at least windows XP.)

Indipendent components tend to cost $150+, (1 gig of RAM tends to cost $75, but since they only work in pairs, $150.) Usually, the Videocard is the most vital component for a computer, second only to the CPU, which rarely needs to be replaced (if your CPU is bad, in all likelyhood, you need a new computer.)

It's always the most expensive to get a new gaming computer, but once you've got it, you only need to drop a hundred or so every few years into it. Compare that to consoles, which tend to require total replacement for a brand-new one.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:32 am

Depends on how bad your PC is. Usually, an Upgrade to your Ram and/or a Videocard will be enough, as well as a harddrive if you need more memory. After about 5-10 years, you may need to upgrade your computer's CPU, and very rarely the OS (only very recently do games require at least windows XP.)

Indipendent components tend to cost $150+, (1 gig of RAM tends to cost $75, but since they only work in pairs, $150.) Usually, the Videocard is the most vital component for a computer, second only to the CPU, which rarely needs to be replaced (if your CPU is bad, in all likelyhood, you need a new computer.)

It's always the most expensive to get a new gaming computer, but once you've got it, you only need to drop a hundred or so every few years into it. Compare that to consoles, which tend to require total replacement for a brand-new one.

Also, consoles get fazed-out. My Xbox 360 will not still have games being produced for it in 5 years, but my PC certainly will. Of course, PC hardware gets fazed out, but it's usually easy to upgrade, with the most troublesome thing to upgrade being the motherboard, but once you have a "base" PC, you never need to fully abandon it (unless you want to).
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:28 pm

It's simple, really.
PSN charges developers if they want to put up DLC.
Live doesn't.

Blame Sony for that. Then again, you have a lot of other b/s DLC on PSN too (like Cross Edge and the ones from EA games) so the costs can't be that horrible.

And Lol@consolewar.
The Failure rate is unacceptable.
And there is no reason to praise MS for the extended Warranty. It's the least they could do. I would praise them for it, if they offered it before they received a major lawsuit for the RROD problem.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:00 am

Regarding mods:
1. It'll be incredibly difficult to port something like the construction set to a console.
2. Bethesda claim it's due to legal reasons.

Besides, if you wanted 3rd party mods why not get a gaming system, A decent system that performs on par with a console, perhaps even better will set you back the same price as a console (Assuming you know how to build your own PC, which isn't really that difficult)

Don't complain just because you bought the wrong system for your needs.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:13 am

It's simply a matter of cost/benefit. The revenue they would earn with the small DLCs would probably not cover the cost of porting them to the PS3.

This is what I was going to say. Then I kept reading more posts from the OP. My friend, you are making yourself to look like an idiot. I can say this from experiacne, I made myself look like an idiot on many occasions, so I am an expert. :P

You have said nothing new. Did you just get the game? Did you not do your homework? If not, I can understand, maybe you just found this site after buying the game, so maybe you didn't know about all the problems of Oblivion on PS3. But what makes me so upset with your comments is, you are ungreatful. Very very ungreatful. You like playing the game don't you? So what you can't have any DLC. Who cares. You still got to play Oblivion on the PS3.

When Morrowind first came out, it was released for PC only, even though it was suppose to be a simultaneour release. I couldn't play it on PC because I didn't have a good enough computer. But it was released on xbox. By then the PC had an expansion pack. Did xbox have it? No. Yes xbox was propmised we could download it, but as history knows it didn't happend. But you know what? I was so happy to just be able to play Morrowind on the xbox, I didn't care. The anthour expansion came out. I still coudln't play it on xbox. But I was still happy playing Morrowind on xbox. Then Bethesda gave out the DLC, or what was it called back then, for Morrowind that xbox couldn't use. A year later we have Morrowind GotY. I was stoked. Yes I wish we could have had Morrowind DLC, but we don't. AT least we had both expansion packs to play with.

Just like the PS3 Oblivion. You have Knights of the Nine, and Shivering Isles now as well. Is that not good enough? You should be stoked that you can at least play Oblivion on PS3. How ungreatful you are. You rememind me of a begger who begs for change. I give a quarter, and then get a dirty look from them. It wasn't good enough. Well now I don't give anything. Maybe Bethesda should never make a game for the PS3 anymore, so nobody cries about not getting any mods, or DLC or what ever anymore.

You are so ungreatfull, please stop and don't make yourself look like an idiot anymore.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:21 am


What are you smoking? He should thank Bethesda for releasing a game, that is as bugged as the Xbox version, on his system? What kind of Bizarro world do you live in, that you are grateful for faulty products?
And how dare him to enjoy the game and demand the same DLC that the other systems got and boy, how bold of him it is to maybe demand a patch to fix some problems. Right?

please stop and don't make yourself look like an idiot anymore.

You're so delusional, please stop and don't make yourself look like an idiot anymore.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:34 am

I don't know what everyone speaks of. Oblivion on the ps3 is not buggy. It runs really well. I applaud Bethesda on how well they ported it. Sadly, it looks as if they didn't repeat it with Fallout 3. Fallout 3 GOTY(PS3) is riddled with bugs and lagging, but Oblivion GOTY(PS3) is great. I dislike the vampire cure quest glitch, but it runs great on the PS3. I still wish we could have the DLC, but hopefully, TES V will be developed for the ps3 from the beginning and we will hopefully get the DLC for it, and it should run well. Honestly though, I have heard that the ps3 version of Oblivion runs better than the 360 version. Ther ps3 can also handle greater draw distances and it loads faster than the 360.
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:12 am

I don't know what everyone speaks of. Oblivion on the ps3 is not buggy. It runs really well. I applaud Bethesda on how well they ported it. Sadly, it looks as if they didn't repeat it with Fallout 3. Fallout 3 GOTY(PS3) is riddled with bugs and lagging, but Oblivion GOTY(PS3) is great. I dislike the vampire cure quest glitch, but it runs great on the PS3. I still wish we could have the DLC, but hopefully, TES V will be developed for the ps3 from the beginning and we will hopefully get the DLC for it, and it should run well. Honestly though, I have heard that the ps3 version of Oblivion runs better than the 360 version. Ther ps3 can also handle greater draw distances and it loads faster than the 360.

It's in no way worse than the 360 version apart from the Vampire Cure Bug (which can be avoided on the EU GOTY) and the lack of AA.
It does run better than the 360 version, then again, I heard M$ made changes to HDD installations, so maybe that's different now.

And Bethesda didn't port it, it was an external company that ported it. Go figure.

And no, lol, TESV will not be developed on the PS3, just like always the lead plattform will most likely be PC/360 (Seeing as how the UI is more consolefriendly I'm leaning towards 360) and then ported to the ps3.
As far as the DLC is concerned, one can only speculate, I think they'll just do it like Fallout 3. Leave it exclusive to 360/PC for a while, get some money from MS for timed exclusive and in return confuse everyone with neutral statements.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:45 am

It's in no way worse than the 360 version apart from the Vampire Cure Bug (which can be avoided on the EU GOTY) and the lack of AA.
It does run better than the 360 version, then again, I heard M$ made changes to HDD installations, so maybe that's different now.

And Bethesda didn't port it, it was an external company that ported it. Go figure.

And no, lol, TESV will not be developed on the PS3, just like always the lead plattform will most likely be PC/360 (Seeing as how the UI is more consolefriendly I'm leaning towards 360) and then ported to the ps3.
As far as the DLC is concerned, one can only speculate, I think they'll just do it like Fallout 3. Leave it exclusive to 360/PC for a while, get some money from MS for timed exclusive and in return confuse everyone with neutral statements.

Why won't it be created for the ps3? They made Fallout 3 for the ps3. Why not TES V?
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:10 am

What I'm saying is, it will not be developed from the ground up for the PS3. They'll just port it over to the PS3. Which saves time and money since the PS3 is a pain in the rear to program for.

Rule of thumb is, it's easier to develop a game on PC/360 and port it over to the PS3 than to develop a game for PS3 and then port it over to the PC/360.
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:38 am

What I'm saying is, it will not be developed from the ground up for the PS3. They'll just port it over to the PS3. Which saves time and money since the PS3 is a pain in the rear to program for.

Rule of thumb is, it's easier to develop a game on PC/360 and port it over to the PS3 than to develop a game for PS3 and then port it over to the PC/360.

So, do you believe it will be released at the same time as the 360 and pc versions?
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:20 am

What are you smoking? He should thank Bethesda for releasing a game, that is as bugged as the Xbox version, on his system? What kind of Bizarro world do you live in, that you are grateful for faulty products?
And how dare him to enjoy the game and demand the same DLC that the other systems got and boy, how bold of him it is to maybe demand a patch to fix some problems. Right?

Bugs come part and parcel with every Elder Scrolls game in existence, EVER. Hell, the bugs that the 360 and the PS3 have for Oblivion are like a dime to the football field of bugs that shipped with Daggerfall. These are vast open-world / free-roam games of a scale that almost no other company can rival. Of course their QA department isn't going to catch everything, even the potentially big stuff. The best they can do is to patch what they can, but when their window of patching opportunity closes and corporate says its time to devote all resources to the next title, they're left without much options. Would they like to release the perfect game? Sure, every developer would. Is it possible? No. The bugs are the trade-off you make for getting a game so unrivaled in scope. And, as mentioned before, they're not even that much to complain about compared to past titles.

Yes, PS3 users should be grateful that Bethesda decided to port over the game to the console that came in late. They should be grateful that Bethesda took the time to grab the new toolkit and convert over the structure that was completely designed for the 360, not just for vanilla, but for SI and KotN as well. Not to mention going through the whole QA process all over again from scratch. They could have easily said, "Sorry, but Sony came to us too late in the game, and they'll just have to wait for our next title." And Bethesda has been open from the very start about Oblivion DLC for the PS3. It's the same window of opportunity here as for the patches. When corporate says it's time to move on, it's time to move on. It svcks for the PS3 user, but that was known information that should have been factored into their purchase of Oblivion for the PS3 from the get-go. If the PS3 user considers the lack of DLCs a fair trade-off for being able to play Oblivion on their PS3, then it works for them. If they don't consider it a fair trade-off, then they should have bought a 360 or a PC to play Oblivion on or not bought Oblivion at all.
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:05 am

Bugs come part and parcel with every Elder Scrolls game in existence, EVER. Hell, the bugs that the 360 and the PS3 have for Oblivion are like a dime to the football field of bugs that shipped with Daggerfall. These are vast open-world / free-roam games of a scale that almost no other company can rival. Of course their QA department isn't going to catch everything, even the potentially big stuff. The best they can do is to patch what they can, but when their window of patching opportunity closes and corporate says its time to devote all resources to the next title, they're left without much options. Would they like to release the perfect game? Sure, every developer would. Is it possible? No. The bugs are the trade-off you make for getting a game so unrivaled in scope. And, as mentioned before, they're not even that much to complain about compared to past titles.

Yes, PS3 users should be grateful that Bethesda decided to port over the game to the console that came in late. They should be grateful that Bethesda took the time to grab the new toolkit and convert over the structure that was completely designed for the 360, not just for vanilla, but for SI and KotN as well. Not to mention going through the whole QA process all over again from scratch. They could have easily said, "Sorry, but Sony came to us too late in the game, and they'll just have to wait for our next title." And Bethesda has been open from the very start about Oblivion DLC for the PS3. It's the same window of opportunity here as for the patches. When corporate says it's time to move on, it's time to move on. It svcks for the PS3 user, but that was known information that should have been factored into their purchase of Oblivion for the PS3 from the get-go. If the PS3 user considers the lack of DLCs a fair trade-off for being able to play Oblivion on their PS3, then it works for them. If they don't consider it a fair trade-off, then they should have bought a 360 or a PC to play Oblivion on or not bought Oblivion at all.

If I could have afforded a pc, I would have bought it. The 360's rate of failure turned me completely away from buying a 360 though.
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Julie Ann
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:25 pm

PS3 users should be grateful...

No. Bethesda should be grateful that people are buying their game. Not the other way around.

So, do you believe it will be released at the same time as the 360 and pc versions?

Probably. We will see.
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:53 pm

If I could have afforded a pc, I would have bought it. The 360's rate of failure turned me completely away from buying a 360 though.

So in other words, the lack of DLC is a fair trade-off for being able to play on the system that costs less than the average pre-built gaming PC and whose hardware is more reliable than the console competition? ;)

No. Bethesda should be grateful that people are buying their game. Not the other way around.

:whisper: PROTIP: If Bethesda had chose not to port over Oblivion to the PS3 in the first place, this whole discussion would be moot and PS3 users wouldn't have to worry about DLC and bugs because they wouldn't have to worry about playing Oblivion on their console at all. Their profitability from Oblivion would have remained high from sales of the 360 and PC versions; perhaps not as high as with the PS3 versions, but high nonetheless. :whisper:
In order for people to buy the game in the first place so that Bethesda can be grateful at all, Bethesda's action is required. And it was an action that was by no means guaranteed to happen.

Besides, all of this is made completely irrelevant by the fact that 1) Bethesda is done with Oblivion and will not be releasing any more patches, at all, and 2) Bethesda is done with Oblivion and will not be doing anything more with DLC, at all. No amount of discussion on the subject will alter these two absolutes.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:20 am

Hidden trolling.

Ah, now your antics make sense.

More rambling.

By all means, continue to treat Bethesda games as a heavenly gift. But don't expect that other people are as blind as you.
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Harry Leon
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:52 pm

:shrug: If those are the only counter-arguments that you can amass, then clearly my job is done.

Oh, and I might add:
7. Flaming is not allowed.

Insulting individuals or groups of members and name calling are flames. Any remark that is made to insult another member or group of members will be considered a flame and thus you may receive a warning for it.
Calling people a troll or an apologist for instance can both be considered a flame as can calling someone stupid or ADD. Attacking Xbox playes,PS3 players or PC players is not allowed and calling them "console kiddies" or in anyway indicating someone is in some way a lesser person because of their choice is considered a flame here.

If you feel the label of "troll" is warranted, then by all means, report my post. Otherwise, leave that to the mods and don't flame.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:54 am

:shrug: If those are the only counter-arguments that you can amass, then clearly my job is done.

Sorry, but that's all your rambling boils down to.

Citing rules

In that case you might want to read your previous post again.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:29 pm

In that case you might want to read your previous post again.

I have. Again, if you feel something in it has violated forum rules, then by all means, report it.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:49 am

Lets not fight.
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:10 am

Agreed with Zalphon...

If you two persist to argue, then someone's gonna call a moderator and this thread will run a high chance of being permanently closed due to flaming, or at least some arguments getting close to flaming...
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:22 pm

Yeah this thread is severly off tpic. im surprised its still open.
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:57 am

Off topic posts, a bit of console/platform bashing and calling others trolls all against forum rules gets this closed.
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