my warrior used his rather thick head to do some "deep thinking", he decided he should find a "working" boat, sure he had seen a few broken boats, even some small seaworthy vessels had been found. even a few larger broken boats (shipwrecks) and two quite massive galleons... but...
no actually moving boats, boats for pleasure, boats for work... whatever... but no boats in use
ok, lets find some evidence of boat repairing, building or even tools... none
right, so there are some massive cities and large towns, full of different materials which must of been transported in some way, take early britain.. most of the large cities are on the coast or on a major river, why? because transport across land was expensive and long winded, river work on the other hand is much more popular!
this strange fact upset my basic minded fighter, at first he thought he had got it wrong somewhere. but no! he was right, but didn't understand why or even how.
that was about to change
during the following day, the perplexed thinker was now wandering up the main river, leading to the white tower. and the bridge a fork in the river revealed the large island with the tall tower, taking the left river route quite soon the water was knee high rather than depths that he had to swim through to get there...
ok, try the right river route, hmmm not bad some big rocks, but nothing... oh wait, knee high again around the north sewer enterance
well huh!?! this doesnt make sense, how did the galleons get to the waterfront docks
(at this point - i wont mention the "sleeping adrift" questline)
right, ok, let's check for high tide marks, not high enough, also during his history he had never witnessed flooding or even really really really bad storms... just the rain for a few days... nothing more
maybe some unknown technology?
no.. the sword is forged still and it is the conflict winner
never seen the arch-mage use such power, no god would do this
so my infinite genius clap his hands...
and shouted...
i am in a computer game
sorry for the hurt - i love you oblivion