My dilemma is : I received Oblivion GotY edition about a year or two ago as a Christmas gift. I installed it on my sisters computer, as it was the only one in the house that could run it. About two weeks later, my sister decided I was no longer allowed to use her computer, meaning I couldn't play Oblivion. So, before deleting the files off of her computer, I copied them to my external hard drive in case I had an opportunity to use it in the future.
Now, I have my own computer capable of running the game, but when I tried running the game from my external hard drive, I quickly realized the game wouldn't launch without a disk. My copy of the disk was long ago lost, and I have no idea where it is now.
I still have all the files, and the DLC I owned on my external hard drive, and I'm hoping there's some way I can play the game without the disk rather than having to buy myself a new copy. Any help is appreciated.