I've already put in the usual optimization mods, polygon reducers, reduced grass density, the works. I find most of these mods to just be snake oil remedies, however - providing an additional 2 or 3 frames per second to some users, but not necessarily doing anything groundbreaking to improve performance as a whole. I figured that if there's any one aspect of the base game that can be edited to improve my framerate, it'd be the distant land. Even with the optimized mesh, I feel as if it causes an unrealistic amount of strain on my system. I know that I can and should keep it running, however - whilst Morrowind looks great with the mysterious atmosphere provided by thick fogging and loses much of its intrigue with MGE distant land, Cyrodiil looks much nicer with it on.
So I was wondering, whether through .ini tweaking or a third party program, if there's any way to edit the render distance of the game's distant land? So that instead of, say, being able to see from one end of Cyrodiil the other, I could halve the distance and have my view fully fogged around the Imperial City or so? Can this be done, or is Oblivion's distant land...distance hardcoded? Looking forward to any insight on this.