» Sun Nov 28, 2010 8:33 pm
What the Catriarch said is right. If you have a problem at all, take it up with an admin (see list in OP) via PM.
Now, for some clarification on rules:
Large out of place structures such as skyscraqers are NOT allowed. Correct procedure here is for an admin to notify the owner of the building and request its deconstruction. If the owner refuses or takes no action, only THEN should the admin dismantle the building. This dismantling should return the area to its natural state - blowing the crap out of it with TNT is not allowed. Further to this, the rule on structures outwith claimed territory is that they COULD be griefed. Not that they SHOULD be griefed. If a building in unclaimed territory is destroyed then there is nothing an admin can do about it, but admins should NOT seek to destroy such buildings to be seen to be enforcing rules.
And a little further clarification on admin actions in general. Admins should NOT be spawning blocks, and should NOT be teleporting about. The only commands an admin should be using outwith rule enforcement are those available to all members (/compass, /home etc). Admins are supposed to be an example to the other players, and should act as such.
If anyone has any issues with any of this, take it up with Wampbit or I via PM.