...Delte's Thread of IMMERSION Mods...

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:12 am

As a user of Real Sleep extended, i highly recommend it. Use OBMM with it and you can taylor how easy it is on you or how hard. I have it so I need quite a lot of sleep for each day I`m awake etc.

For instance, I have that I only get a really good sleep indoors on a proper bed, but outside on a sleeping bag I get only 50%-75% of the sleep I need and it gets worse because I am not the most agile of people. Some of this I used real experience for the odd times in my life when I`ve actually had to sleep in a sleeping bag on the floor- not fun or comfortable. I sleep much better in the night than I do at daytime, etc, etc. Great mod.

I also use Realistic fatigue and battle Fatigue and Injuries. These are really immersive Mods, again, they allow you to customise exactly how hard or easy they are on you. As usual I have them quite realistic. I can`t carry too many items in one go without becoming very weak and fatigued which in turn affects my fighting ability unless I drop most of the heavy stuff. the most wonderful thing about the battle fatigue Mod is the lype-synched exhaustion sounds. You can hear yourself becoming exhausted as you fight, not only that, but the NPC also gets exhautsed.

A typical scenario example:
I and Viconia (my companion) are running up a hill. I`m carrying a lot of stuff and soon I hear myself getting tired because I am breathing heavily. I have to slow and walk. I give Viconia half my heavy stuff and run again. Soon, I can hear viconia gasping behind me! She`ll even collapse if she goes on too long.
Then we get attacked by bandits, the fight is hard and vicious, men and mere fall and I find myself facing the last Orc. i am gasping, almost out of breath and my fatigue is low, meaning that my hits are not doing as much damage because I have less energy. The Orc is also fatigued (I can hear him gasping too) and his hits are not getting through my shield. Finally, I make a mighty swipe and batter the Orc down. He crumples to the floor.

I look around and 4 bandits lie dead, but are they? Someone is still breathing heavily. I follow the sound and see a female bandit that viconia had bought down. She lies on her back, bloodied, her bow next to her, but she`s alive. You can see her mouth moving to her gasping and even her eyes roll about. I stare at her thinking what a great Mod - then Viconia runs up and finishes her off!

This has all happened in my game.

p.s. Thinking about it MMM wounding might also be adding to these effects, not sure. Some of these combined Mods work really well togther.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:56 am

I blame you Delte! I was tired and ready to go to bed the other night when I ran across this thread, thus insuring that I was awake for several more hours and tired all day long at work the next day :swear: Then just now I researched and downloaded mods (OOO had to be done twice :flame: ) for about 6 hours, most of the ones you suggested as well as some others.

Seriously though, thanks :D I knew I wanted to add mods almost as soon as I started playing Oblivion (not that I dont love Oblivion), but didnt have much of a clue as to where to start. There are just an absolute ton of mods that claim to do the same thing, and reading your thread helped to make the descisions easier. There are a lot of us out there that are just now getting into Oblivion and are overwhelmed by the thousands of mods out there. So keep up the great work :)

Also thanks to everyone who added to this thread, I took a lot of those suggestions as well :)

Note: I use way too many emoticons

P.S. Now I just need to track down mods that make people look halfway decennt and I'm ready for a fresh install :D
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:52 pm

I am finally (after 3 or so years of mixing nad testing mods, OMG) playing Oblivion for real. Thanks to this thread, I just have a unique experience that I just have to share, as it made my heart go...you know what I mean. (BTW: An FCOM user here)

Adrianna, a daughter of an ex-blade Imperial, slept well this night. She is heading towards to Imperial City to attend the Arcane University, as her mother's Bretonish origin showed Adrianna her path... She starts her journey (thanks to Start Choices 1.06) in that small inn which name starts with F (I cannot remember the rest) and is quite near the Charcoal Cave.
However, the morning turned very bad for her. Firstly, a rather nasty storm. The dark forest is full of noices and even on the horizon she can see a light of a torch, passing form right to the left. Because of the thunders a rain she cannot hear, who this is. Or what... Adrianna follows the road, not even thinking of taking a short cut throug the grass. She is a bit afraid. Suddenly she sees something dark and flapping, an ear perhaps, next to the road, maybe a foot or two far in the grass. She stands and watches carefully. Too late, as the wild boar runs toward her to attack! Adrianna quickly drops her equipment (Inventory Is a Backpack by kuertee) and turs back, back to the inn, which lights shine warmly into the dark.
However, she has to drop even more items, in fact all of her weapons, to be able to move, as she desparately misses her backpack's capacity. On the other hand, she is now light footed and runs as followed by the devil himself. Luckily, the boar has lost her (probably thanks to SM's Combat & Hide) and Adrianna sits and waits for three hours in the safe inn, praying for the storm to end. Alas, it has not. No weapons, halve naked, no gold, being hungry (Real Hunger COBL).
There was no other way for Adrianna then to try and fetch her backpack. She carefully sneks into the nigt. Well, it's noon, but dark as in the middle of the night. Echos of thunders seem so depressing... As Adrianna sneak nereare, she can see the boar actually guarding the backpack! Luckily, at the very moment a bright light of torch falls from behind across Adrianna's shivering body. She almost suffered a heart attack, but it was just a traveller walking the road (Crowded Roads Revamped). Adrianna steps aside from the road and watches breathlessly, as the traveller goes nearer and nearer to the danger, unknowingly. And the boar runs to her (yes, it's a lady), she turns away and evidently runs for it - towards the inn? Or where? The boar gets bored of this very soon, yet he has fergotten that is was uarding the backpack and roams into the wild. And so Adrianna has escaped and with all her belongings is now heading towards the Imperial City...

Once again, thank you for all these threads, all excellent mods ... and for all the fish :hehe:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:47 am

Time for the next one.
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Laura Samson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:29 am

Delte's Thread Continues...http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1046815&st=0#entry15184211
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