I would like to ask about a problem that I seem to be having with my mod that I'm creating. I must say that I'm a beginner with this but am enjoying learning and growing via experimentation. The Wiki construction Set has been a great help and has thus far answered all my needs. The mod in question is a necromancy mod. Upon playing Oblivion and encountering the Worm Thrall (I'm sure all of you know what this is all about but just in case there are people who don't I'll keep in vague) I thought wouldn't it be cool if I could create a Mod to turn a non-essential NPC into a Worm Thrall. So has begun a long learning curve to accomplish this.
I will say that I have succeeded to a degree and as a side comment am continuing to add to my Necromancy mod with the ability to raise your own minions, resurrect fallen minions, etc... About a week ago I was reading in the Wiki how the function 'PlaceAtMe' can cause save game bloating. I wasn't to concerned with Worm Thralls that were alive but I wanted the mod to delete them three days later after they had been killed (as per Cell reset). I kind of jumped ahead and searched for alternative ways to delete Worm Thrall corpses. I wished now that I had have checked whether the game did delete placeatme corpses or not as it would have saved alot of time and head scratching!
I tried to create a persistent reference (initially disabled) of my Worm Thrall creature and move this to the person who I was WormThralling, create a FullActorCopy (so I could have more that one Worm Thrall in the game) and enable the Worm Thrall. This seemed fine but I learned that the FullActorCopy doesn't have the Script that the original one does. Also One of my spells in the mod was the ability to raise a dead Worm Thrall back to life but found that the spell wouldn't work on the Worm Thrall copy (but did work on a Worm Thrall creature created via PlaceAtMe).
Upon failure after failure I reverted to the PlaceAtMe function and found that corpses were removed after three days when the cell was deleted. Great, I thought but then discovered that Worm Thralls who were 'alive' and kicking were also removed as well. I discovered that there was a tick box 'Item Quest' in the creatures tab. I ticked this trying to see if I could keep Worm Thralls that I created from being deleted - Oh the irony! Three days later Worm Thrall corpses and 'live Worm Thralls' were gone. I've tried enabling essential, respawn and Quest item in the bleak hope that it would work but to no avail.
I have the latest OBSE and after delving into it on the Wiki have discovered that these versions may just delete actors that are created via 'PlaceAtMe'. After coming so far I really have hit a brick wall and so have turned to you guys for any help that you may give.
I don't think that the Worm Thrall spell script will help but have included it here just in case,
Scn AdamWormThrallerSpellref Selfref StandWormThrallref SpellSuccessBegin Scripteffectstartset self to getselfif ( iscreature == 0 && isactor == 1 && getdead == 0 && getvampire ==0 && isessential == 0 && player.getitemcount BlackSoulGem > 0 ) Toggleactorsai AdamWormThrallerSpellEffect.moveto selfSet SpellSuccess to 1 self.pme strp AdamWormThrallerSpellEffect.pme MythAdamWormThrallerSpellEffect.pme Dgheelseif ( iscreature == 0 && isactor == 1 && getdead == 0 && getvampire ==0 && isessential == 0 && player.getitemcount BlackSoulGem < 1 )message "You need an empty Black Soul Gem to Wormthrall"returnelseMessage "You cannot Worm Thrall this target"returnendifendbegin scripteffectfinishif ( SpellSuccess == 1 ) Set StandWormThrall to placeatme AdamStandardWormThrall StandWormThrall.moveto self Self.kill Player Removeallitems StandWormThrall Positioncell 0, 0, 0, 0, AdamWormThrallVoid StandWormThrall.pme mythDisableMessage "You have created a Black Worm Gem with the captured soul"player.removeitemns BlackSoulGem 1player.additemns AdamBlackWormGem 1endifend
As a final note of interest I've tried other Necromancer mods which have the same problem of PlaceAtMe creatures being deleted in a cell when it's been reset. These creatures were 'instructed' to "Wait Here" but have been deleted after the cell was reseted.
So in summary. I want Worm Thralls to exist indefinately when they are alive but wish for their corpses to be removed after Cell Reset - Talk about wanting my cake and eating it!
Thank you in advance.