scn LampActivatorSCPTInt bLightsOnRef rLightBegin OnActivate Set bLightsOn to (bLightsOn == 0) If bLightsOn If rLight rLight.Enable Else Set rLight to PlaceAtMe TestLight EndIf Else rLight.Disable EndIfEnd
scn LampActivatorSCPTInt bLightsOnRef rLightBegin OnActivate Set bLightsOn to (bLightsOn == 0) If bLightsOn If rLight rLight.Enable Else Set rLight to PlaceAtMe TestLight EndIf Else rLight.Disable EndIfEnd
scn FireplaceActivatorSCPTRef rFireInt bFireBegin OnActivate Set bFire to (bFire == 0) If bFire If rFire rFire.Enable Else Set rFire to PlaceAtMe ActivatorFlameNode6 ; might need positioning EndIf Else rFire.Disable EndIfEnd
scn FireplaceActivatorSCPTRef rFireInt bFire ; shouldn't it be short ? does it compile with int ? news to me ! Set rFire to PlaceAtMe ActivatorFlameNode6 ; No PlaceAtMe with activators - use moveto with a persisten ref - Rowdy will be bloating our saves soon lol
Set rFire to PlaceAtMe ActivatorFlameNode6 ; might need positioning
scn FireplaceActivatorSCPTRef rFireInt bFire ; shouldn't it be short ? does it compile with int ? news to me ! Set rFire to PlaceAtMe ActivatorFlameNode6 ; No PlaceAtMe with activators - use moveto with a persisten ref - Rowdy will be bloating our saves soon lol
Begin OnReset If bFire ElseIf rFire rFire.MarkForDelete EndIfEnd...would wipe the slate clean. I wonder if OBSE could pull of an equivalent function? Maybe OBSE's DeleteReference is equivalent *tinkers*? If only a few fireplaces were placed, I wouldn't worry about it though as the script would only use PlaceAtMe once.