The Story
In 2097, Vault 37’s experiment went active. You are one of the descendents of the original humans who wasn’t infected by the F.E.V. in the food. It is now 2287, and you must make a stand. The infected denizens grow ever-vigilant of the survivors and their food-source is beginning to thin out. You must escape Vault 37 and slay the infected citizens of Vault 37.
Vault 37 was tested to have dim lighting and their food was injected with a special strand of the Forced Evolutionary Virus. Vault 37 had one-thousand residents, nine-hundred were given food with the strand of Forced Evolutionary Virus, and the others were given normal food. Their appearance changed drastically. They became thinner, their skin paled, their hair darkened, also their canines became more pronounced. They also grew to become ageless, never again becoming older. Another perk of their new-found form was they regenerated wounds much faster and disease was non-existent.
A few of the changes that occurred were that they can perform amazing feats. They can leap several yards in a single bound. They experienced super-human strength. They also had no need to breath anymore. The Vampires no longer required physical sustenance; rather they needed hemoglobin from blood. The hemoglobin allowed them to survive due for unknown reasons. “The Breathers” or humans, became hunted fiercely for their blood. They also grew an amazing weakness to Ultra-Violet Radiation, which would cause them to ignite in flames within seconds and be scorched within minutes.
When they didn’t get their required hemoglobin, they started to weaken. Some of those who refused to feed began to lose their sanity. After a month of no-feeding, the first of “The Lost” were born.
The Lost were vampires who refused to feed on The Breathers. The Lost were exiled to the lower regions of Vault 37. The Breathers scrambled to find refuge away from the Vampires anywhere possible. The Lost may not feed on humans, but they kill them on sight due to the hallucinations they experience, viewing them as mutated creatures that want to kill them.
You are one of the few surviving humans in Vault 37. Living in the lower levels of Vault 37, you are located in the Unknown. It is called the Unknown, because shortly after the Vault was sealed, so was the Unknown. After the experiment began to take place it opened.
The Vampires
The Vampires are extremely intelligent due to their age. Also they’re very fast and physically powerful. The Vampires have a strict hierarchy. The Overseer, Victor Steel; who is directly followed by his son, Thomas Steel and his wife, Samantha Steel. They’re followed by the leader of the Vault 37 Science Convention, who is followed by the Security Chief. After that, everyone is equal in the decision making of Vault 37.
Killing vampires is extremely difficult, not only due to their regenerative properties, but due to their extreme constitution. What would kill a normal human being would merely wound a vampire. They however, present weaknesses to fire.
Killing is much like killing a normal human being, but they’re far more resilient. They are barely harmed by conventional weapons. Laser, Plasma, and fire-based prevent their regeneration and harm them like a conventional weapon harms a human being. Plasma weapons do the equivalent to a laser on a human being.
The Lost
They began to lose their mental functions after they refused to get the required hemoglobin. They began to hallucinate and attack other vampires. Soon after, the Overseer banished them to the Unknown.
They killed Breathers and anything else they encountered in the Unknown. Not for food or fun, but out of fear. They wander the Unknown and use whatever melee weapons they can find.
The Unknown
There are more dangers in the Unknown as well. Robotic Security Guards from Protectrons to Sentry Bots guard the Unknown. It is guarded with robots as well as early F.E.V. experiments like Super Mutants.
The Unknown has very few working food dispensers; however there are guns and armor hidden. The dispensers as well as the weapons are guarded fiercely by robotic guards. Those who have managed to hide from the Vampires, the Lost, and the Unknown’s defenses, usually die of starvation or are shot by crossfire from fellow survivors.
It is rumored over the years, some of the breathers actually evolved and mutated to survive in the Unknown’s dim light and eerie halls.
Vault 37 Layout
Vault 37’s first level is home to residential rooms for the most privileged of Vault 37 as well as the Overseer’s Office. The Security Barracks is also located on the first level.
Vault 37’s second level is the most-active level of Vault 37. It has a bar and most of the rooms. The physician’s office is located on this level. There is a special area for children.
Vault 37’s third level is home to the Vault 37 Science Convention. There are rooms here for the scientists who don’t want to leave their laboratories. The Handyman’s Office is also down on the Third Level.
Vault 37’s fourth level is where the reactor and water-purification and irrigation system is. Not much occurs in the fourth level, for very few people have clearance to go down there.
Vault 37’s fifth level is the first level of the Unknown. It can only be reached by stairs (like all levels of the Unknown), and can’t be reached by elevator. It is mainly guarded by weak robots such as protectrons. There are about ten food dispensers on this level and one water dispenser.
Vault 37’s sixth level is the second level of the Unknown. It is guarded by F.E.V. creatures such as super mutants and powerful robots like sentry bots. There are five food dispensers on this level and no water dispensers.
Vault 37’s seventh level is the third level of the Unknown. It is home to primarily sentry bots and auto-plasma turrets. There are ten food dispensers and ten water dispensers.
Vault 37’s eighth level is the fourth level of the Unknown. It is filled with traps, ranging from bear traps to pits of spikes that release hydrofluoric acid when the heat of human flesh touches them. It has no food dispensers or water dispensers.
Vault 37’s ninth level is the fifth level of the Unknown. It is the lair of the protectrons who have titanium armor and shoot plasma bolts. Sentry-Bots also lurk here in six-inch thick titanium armor and have experimental plasma cannons which serve as a fully automatic plasma weapon.
Vault 37’s tenth level is rumored to have those who evolved to fit to the Vault. It is also rumored there is a Hive of the Lost here. Perhaps even a system that forces the lights to change to black-lights and cause intense UV radiation to kill the vampires. Nobody is quite sure, for no one has ever gone down there and came back.
1. I control the NPC's.
2. No ubering.
3. No killing/stealing from fellow players unless the other player consents.
4. You aren't the Descendent of the Vault Dweller, Chosen One, etc.
5. Don't charge into combat, chances are what's behind that door if you go alone is a sentry bot or worse... A vampire...
Name: Tristan Smith.
Race: Caucasian.
Gender: Male.
Age: Twenty-Three.
Hair Color: Midnight-Black.
Hair Style/Length: Medium length, it's a mess.
Eye Color: Emerald Green.
Skin Color: Pale, only a bit darker than Vampire's skin.
Special Appearance: His right arm has a scar.
General Appearance: He is tall (about six feet tall), muscular (he weights two-hundred, fifteen pounds), and has shaggy, black hair that reaches his shoulders.
Class: Captain
Class Description: Trained in all types of guns, including Big Guns and Energy Weapons as well as training in unarmed combat and first-aid. The Captain excels in gun-fights, due to his tactical mind. He tends to be the diplomat of the group and often inspires others to follow him.
Weapon(s): Ten-Millimeter Pistol, Switchblade.
Armor: Armored Vault 37 Jumpsuit.
Food/Drink: A plastic bottle of purified water.
Medical: None.
Literature: His Holotapes (Journal), A holotape, his work-in-progress Guide to Survival in Vault 37.
Misc.: A Pip-Boy 2000.
Biography: Tristan was born on May 15, 2264. His father was a brilliant leader who lead a band of Vault 37 Refugees. His mother was a teacher, giving the children knowledge. He learned math, english, science, and etc. from his mother. He learned how to survive if a Lost One comes from his father. By time he was thirteen, he was a sentry for the refugees.
A month after Tristan turned fifteen, his father died to sentry bots. His mother slowly lost her sanity; she just drank more and more alcohol. One day she was drunk and she put a gun to her tempol and pulled the trigger. Tristan Smith was orphaned on that day. He left the Refugees, in search of his own needs. Tristan's father, John was the leader of band that hunted for the food.
After leaving the refugees, he came across a folded up Armored Vault 37 Jumpsuit which had a fully-loaded Ten-Millimeter Pistol and a switchblade. When he unfolded he found a holotape and played it. He guarded the holotape with his life, realizing the importants of his discovery. Tristan ever since walked the metallic wasteland of the Unknown.
In 2273, he encountered his first vampire. A Lost One dragging along a steel club against the floor. The battle lasted only a few minutes, but Tristan nearly died. The scar on his arm was from the Lost One who barely missed crushing Tristan's skull. Many years passed since his father died and he decided to create a group of fellow Vault Dwellers, who would finally slay the vampires and escape the wretched hell that is Vault 37.
Name : Iain Scott
Race : Caucasian
Gender : Male
Age : 29
Hair Color : (Was brown)
Hair Style/Length : Bald
Eye Color : Brown
Skin Color : Slightly tanned
Special Appearance (Tattoos, scars, etc.): Awful looking scar along left side of face
General Appearance (What your character looks like): Heavy build with broad shoulders, large arm muscles and solid chest.
Class : Umm... Melee person?...
Class Description (What you’re good at and what you’re poor at): Melee, knows a bit about explosives. Poor with small guns. Is alright with Big guns but no expert.
Weapons (Conventional One-Handed Weapons only or up to sledgehammer): Sledgehammer, One Frag Grenade
Armor (Vault 37 Jumpsuit, it may have some modifications, such as a labcoat): Normal Jumpsuit with chest zip down to reveal tank top.
Food/Drink : Chocolate bar, banana and 2x Water
Medical (Drugs, stim-packs, etc.): 2x Stimpack
Literature (Holotapes, journals, etc.): Journal (never writes in it though)
Misc. (You automatically start with a Pip-Boy 2000, it has no Geiger counter. It allows you to check the status of your limbs, keep notes, and play videos. It is not a Pip-Boy 3000): Pip-Boy 2000,
Biography (Your Story): Grew up with battle hardy parents, they raised Iain perfectly to have the strong build to kill vampires. They never properly educated him, only in the arts of combat so Iain was quite a simple child. At his teens all the kids were smarter than him, Iain tried to fit in with them but it didn't work. It's not because the kids bullied him, the kids were afraid of him!
For a while Iain kept to himself, it was a quiet time of his life, there was nobody to talk to: his parents were usually on guard and the kids were in groups talking together. Training was Iain's only friend, it was the only way Iain could be his true self. He trained with the Sledgehammer every day, at the age of 25 Iain had mastered the Sledgehammer.
Knowing this Iain's parents offered to go on a trip to get food from a dispenser in one of the levels. Iain was delighted that he was being recognised by his parents now. His parents bainwashed Iain since he was a child saying that he was a disgrace and had no honour, if he killed a vampire, then his parents would love him. So on the day of the trip Iain promised himself that he would kill a vampire and gain his honor in the family.
There was no plan they told him, because nothing ever went to plan, if he had a plan then that would mean failure. Iain's plan was to kill a vampire, he knew he wasn't supposed to have a plan so he kept quiet. The trip went fairly well, there were no hostiles in sight and when they found the food dispenser there was nobody guarding it. Quickly his parents rushed over to the dispenser, Iain paused, he may be poorly educated, but he knew something was wrong with the area. When his parents reached the dispenser they were ambushed by two vampires, in a flash his parents were ripped apart. Like a coward Iain ran his ass off back to the safe zone.
Shame overwhelmed Iain, he betrayed everything his parents stood for. Most people thought Iain's scar on the left side of his face was when he and his parents were ambushed, but the truth was it was self inflicted. When Iain escaped he had picked up a switchblade and cut himself in the face with it to remind himself of what he'd done.
Years went by and Iain was determined more than ever to gain his honour, now 29, Iain was ready to help anyone get food or kill vampires.
Name: Jack Alden
Race : Caucasian
Gender : Male
Age : Twenty-One
Hair Color : Dark Red
Hair Style/Length : Long, loosely tied back.
Eye Color :Hazel
Skin Color
ale(not much light in the vault)
Special Appearance: Missing two fingers on his left hand.
General Appearance: At 5'9 and weighing 140Ilbs. Jack is small and lithe, he is built for running and being in small space. He lacks muscles and looks thin.
Class :Engineer
Class Description: Good: Hacking, Repairing, Sneaking, Lock picking Bad: Fighting, Navigation, First Aid, Luck
Weapons: Wrench
Armor: Vault 37 Jumpsuit and gray bandanna
Food/Drink :N/A
Medical: Med-X
Literature; Journal where he writes he's observations and notes.
Misc: Pip-Boy 2000
Name : Jim Silversmith
Race : Mixed
Gender : male
Age : 29
Hair Color : gray
Hair Style/Length : short, baldspots
Eye Color : gray
Skin Color : vault tanned, what else?/Pale as the moon.
Special Appearance (Tattoos, scars, etc.): Left earring is a tiny round silver bell
General Appearance (What your character looks like): Sort of a gaunt and scholarly looking man who looks too old for his claim that he is under thirty. He has a mottled gray beard and wears cracked spectacles (no eye doctors remain in vault 37 apparently) 'for reading'. He has bad breath and hasn't had a nice hot bath in...a long time.
Class : Scholar
Class Description (What you’re good at and what you’re poor at): Poor at technical stuff, fighting and grammar. Good at knowing lots of useless information and folklore.
Weapons: A stack of books and some weapon schematics in some notebooks that he has dreamed up. A flyswatter: There are all these damn moths fluttering around Jim's lamplit workstation in his study.
Armor: Modified vault 37 security helmit with a light on it and cross attached. Radiation suit with sewn up and duct tapped rips in it and some stains.
Food/Drink : Loves junkfood. Alas has nothing to drink or eat right now...
Medical (Drugs, stim-packs, etc.): Jet
Literature (Holotapes, journals, etc.): The Necronomicon 1969 edition, The encyclopedia of Vampires and other monsters, Monstres and their kind, Great War histories volume one, three, six, seven and twelve on holotape, The book of Nod, Alcatraz Edition of the King James Bible, Wheelock's Latin, Jane's Field Guide to Desert Fauna. Also has several boxes of sleazy romance-mystery paperbacks.
Misc. (You automatically start with a Pip-Boy 2000, it has no Geiger counter. It allows you to check the status of your limbs, keep notes, and play videos. It is not a Pip-Boy 3000):
Biography (Your Story): Jim grew up in Vault Thirty Seven at a young age when his entire family was butchered by a vampire right in front of him. Ever since then he has become an abject coward, terrified of the dark, unable to sleep and haunted by unending terror trapped in some underground crypt with the living dead. As the bottom of the food chain Jim has kept his head down and left the fighting to the others who often ended up as the very things they fought against. He has spent his time reading and enjoying the security of hiding from the evils of vault thirty seven.
Name: Tristan Smith.
Race: Caucasian.
Gender: Male.
Age: Twenty-Three.
Hair Color: Midnight-Black.
Hair Style/Length: Medium length, it's a mess.
Eye Color: Emerald Green.
Skin Color: Pale, only a bit darker than Vampire's skin.
Special Appearance: His right arm has a scar.
General Appearance: He is tall (about six feet tall), muscular (he weights two-hundred, fifteen pounds), and has shaggy, black hair that reaches his shoulders.
Class: Captain
Class Description: Trained in all types of guns, including Big Guns and Energy Weapons as well as training in unarmed combat and first-aid. The Captain excels in gun-fights, due to his tactical mind. He tends to be the diplomat of the group and often inspires others to follow him.
Weapon(s): Ten-Millimeter Pistol, Switchblade.
Armor: Armored Vault 37 Jumpsuit.
Food/Drink: A plastic bottle of purified water.
Medical: None.
Literature: His Holotapes (Journal), A holotape, his work-in-progress Guide to Survival in Vault 37.
Misc.: A Pip-Boy 2000.
Biography: Tristan was born on May 15, 2264. His father was a brilliant leader who lead a band of Vault 37 Refugees. His mother was a teacher, giving the children knowledge. He learned math, english, science, and etc. from his mother. He learned how to survive if a Lost One comes from his father. By time he was thirteen, he was a sentry for the refugees.
A month after Tristan turned fifteen, his father died to sentry bots. His mother slowly lost her sanity; she just drank more and more alcohol. One day she was drunk and she put a gun to her tempol and pulled the trigger. Tristan Smith was orphaned on that day. He left the Refugees, in search of his own needs. Tristan's father, John was the leader of band that hunted for the food.
After leaving the refugees, he came across a folded up Armored Vault 37 Jumpsuit which had a fully-loaded Ten-Millimeter Pistol and a switchblade. When he unfolded he found a holotape and played it. He guarded the holotape with his life, realizing the importants of his discovery. Tristan ever since walked the metallic wasteland of the Unknown.
In 2273, he encountered his first vampire. A Lost One dragging along a steel club against the floor. The battle lasted only a few minutes, but Tristan nearly died. The scar on his arm was from the Lost One who barely missed crushing Tristan's skull. Many years passed since his father died and he decided to create a group of fellow Vault Dwellers, who would finally slay the vampires and escape the wretched hell that is Vault 37.
Name : Iain Scott
Race : Caucasian
Gender : Male
Age : 29
Hair Color : (Was brown)
Hair Style/Length : Bald
Eye Color : Brown
Skin Color : Slightly tanned
Special Appearance (Tattoos, scars, etc.): Awful looking scar along left side of face
General Appearance (What your character looks like): Heavy build with broad shoulders, large arm muscles and solid chest.
Class : Umm... Melee person?...
Class Description (What you’re good at and what you’re poor at): Melee, knows a bit about explosives. Poor with small guns. Is alright with Big guns but no expert.
Weapons (Conventional One-Handed Weapons only or up to sledgehammer): Sledgehammer, One Frag Grenade
Armor (Vault 37 Jumpsuit, it may have some modifications, such as a labcoat): Normal Jumpsuit with chest zip down to reveal tank top.
Food/Drink : Chocolate bar, banana and 2x Water
Medical (Drugs, stim-packs, etc.): 2x Stimpack
Literature (Holotapes, journals, etc.): Journal (never writes in it though)
Misc. (You automatically start with a Pip-Boy 2000, it has no Geiger counter. It allows you to check the status of your limbs, keep notes, and play videos. It is not a Pip-Boy 3000): Pip-Boy 2000,
Biography (Your Story): Grew up with battle hardy parents, they raised Iain perfectly to have the strong build to kill vampires. They never properly educated him, only in the arts of combat so Iain was quite a simple child. At his teens all the kids were smarter than him, Iain tried to fit in with them but it didn't work. It's not because the kids bullied him, the kids were afraid of him!
For a while Iain kept to himself, it was a quiet time of his life, there was nobody to talk to: his parents were usually on guard and the kids were in groups talking together. Training was Iain's only friend, it was the only way Iain could be his true self. He trained with the Sledgehammer every day, at the age of 25 Iain had mastered the Sledgehammer.
Knowing this Iain's parents offered to go on a trip to get food from a dispenser in one of the levels. Iain was delighted that he was being recognised by his parents now. His parents bainwashed Iain since he was a child saying that he was a disgrace and had no honour, if he killed a vampire, then his parents would love him. So on the day of the trip Iain promised himself that he would kill a vampire and gain his honor in the family.
There was no plan they told him, because nothing ever went to plan, if he had a plan then that would mean failure. Iain's plan was to kill a vampire, he knew he wasn't supposed to have a plan so he kept quiet. The trip went fairly well, there were no hostiles in sight and when they found the food dispenser there was nobody guarding it. Quickly his parents rushed over to the dispenser, Iain paused, he may be poorly educated, but he knew something was wrong with the area. When his parents reached the dispenser they were ambushed by two vampires, in a flash his parents were ripped apart. Like a coward Iain ran his ass off back to the safe zone.
Shame overwhelmed Iain, he betrayed everything his parents stood for. Most people thought Iain's scar on the left side of his face was when he and his parents were ambushed, but the truth was it was self inflicted. When Iain escaped he had picked up a switchblade and cut himself in the face with it to remind himself of what he'd done.
Years went by and Iain was determined more than ever to gain his honour, now 29, Iain was ready to help anyone get food or kill vampires.
Name: Jack Alden
Race : Caucasian
Gender : Male
Age : Twenty-One
Hair Color : Dark Red
Hair Style/Length : Long, loosely tied back.
Eye Color :Hazel
Skin Color

Special Appearance: Missing two fingers on his left hand.
General Appearance: At 5'9 and weighing 140Ilbs. Jack is small and lithe, he is built for running and being in small space. He lacks muscles and looks thin.
Class :Engineer
Class Description: Good: Hacking, Repairing, Sneaking, Lock picking Bad: Fighting, Navigation, First Aid, Luck
Weapons: Wrench
Armor: Vault 37 Jumpsuit and gray bandanna
Food/Drink :N/A
Medical: Med-X
Literature; Journal where he writes he's observations and notes.
Misc: Pip-Boy 2000
Name : Jim Silversmith
Race : Mixed
Gender : male
Age : 29
Hair Color : gray
Hair Style/Length : short, baldspots
Eye Color : gray
Skin Color : vault tanned, what else?/Pale as the moon.
Special Appearance (Tattoos, scars, etc.): Left earring is a tiny round silver bell
General Appearance (What your character looks like): Sort of a gaunt and scholarly looking man who looks too old for his claim that he is under thirty. He has a mottled gray beard and wears cracked spectacles (no eye doctors remain in vault 37 apparently) 'for reading'. He has bad breath and hasn't had a nice hot bath in...a long time.
Class : Scholar
Class Description (What you’re good at and what you’re poor at): Poor at technical stuff, fighting and grammar. Good at knowing lots of useless information and folklore.
Weapons: A stack of books and some weapon schematics in some notebooks that he has dreamed up. A flyswatter: There are all these damn moths fluttering around Jim's lamplit workstation in his study.
Armor: Modified vault 37 security helmit with a light on it and cross attached. Radiation suit with sewn up and duct tapped rips in it and some stains.
Food/Drink : Loves junkfood. Alas has nothing to drink or eat right now...
Medical (Drugs, stim-packs, etc.): Jet
Literature (Holotapes, journals, etc.): The Necronomicon 1969 edition, The encyclopedia of Vampires and other monsters, Monstres and their kind, Great War histories volume one, three, six, seven and twelve on holotape, The book of Nod, Alcatraz Edition of the King James Bible, Wheelock's Latin, Jane's Field Guide to Desert Fauna. Also has several boxes of sleazy romance-mystery paperbacks.
Misc. (You automatically start with a Pip-Boy 2000, it has no Geiger counter. It allows you to check the status of your limbs, keep notes, and play videos. It is not a Pip-Boy 3000):
Biography (Your Story): Jim grew up in Vault Thirty Seven at a young age when his entire family was butchered by a vampire right in front of him. Ever since then he has become an abject coward, terrified of the dark, unable to sleep and haunted by unending terror trapped in some underground crypt with the living dead. As the bottom of the food chain Jim has kept his head down and left the fighting to the others who often ended up as the very things they fought against. He has spent his time reading and enjoying the security of hiding from the evils of vault thirty seven.
You all start out on Level 5 of the Unknown. The doors up have been sealed shut and require to be opened by a terminal. Unluckily, the terminal is on one of the lower levels of the Unknown. You all meet up in a large, twenty foot by twenty foot room.