What Do You Think is the Worst DLC?

Post » Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:06 pm

I have all of them but MZ, and I have heard thats the worst. But out of the other four, I must say The Pitt. Lookout was pretty cool (and added DB shotgun), oparation achorage had plenty of custom meshes and textures and sounds, plus it was a really cool idea and executed beutifully. And BS added lvl 30, perks, and a large portion to the main quest. The Pitt had a really short, it was a really small map, rather stupid story, not to mention lots of dialog lines were missing, it had no quality control... It looked really cool, but everything else about it was just stupid. The new weapons were buggy and useless.
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:06 pm

I didn't like The Pitt - though that's because you're more or less railroaded into it at the start of it and I HATE that kind of balant railroading, at least this late in the game. Had The Pitt been an area I visisted early in the game rather than late or if it had been the starting point of the game, my opinion might've been different though...

Operation Anchorage was interesting of sorts - Very linear, true, but it provided some background of the war (inaccurate as it may be) and felt fairly interesting to play through. Also provides some interesting new enemies. And, of course, some amazing loot at the end, such as my favourite power armor! :D .

Broken Steel, I have mixed opinions about. What makes me most hapy about it is that they fixed the stupid thing the radiation-immune characters refusing to enter - before, we were forced to play either The Hero ( or The Idiot), or The Jerk (who told Lyons to die). Thanks to Broken Steel, we got the third option we wanted, The Guy Who May Not Be A Hero, But Wants Everyone To Survive. Also liked getting to kick more Enclave backside (though Liberty Primes destruction saddened me :( )! I'm sorta neutral towards the strenghtened enemies though - I get that they wanted to create enemies that were more of a challenge for the player - and I guess they were as such (the Super mutant overlords were a pain in the backside as were the Albino Radscorpion), but I'm not sure it's all that much of a good thing. I disliked that they took away the definite ending though. I like having a definite ending rather than beign left to play endlessly at the end.

Loved Point Lookout though, for the most part - again, I didn't care much for the stronger enemies, but Point Lookout just had the perfect "digging into the past" feeling to it, something that was only reinforced by quests such as The Velvet Curtain, An Antique Land and A Meeting of Minds :D . I hope we'll see more stuff like this in future Fallout games :) .

Don't have Mothership Zeta so no comment there...
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Sun Dec 05, 2010 2:25 pm

If I'm totally honest, I didn't really like any of them (caveat: I haven't played Zeta), feeling that they added as many problems and issues as they did entertaining new content, but in the absence of an "all of the above" option I plumped for Anchorage: much as I like Fallout's gunplay, it's not good enough to stand by itself, so releasing a DLC that removed all the rpg elements in favour of becoming a corridor shooter was really not a bright idea. But really, releasing disc-based content that is rammed full of bugs is just not on; it's one thing when it's a download that can be patched later, but the disc-based release was presumably aimed at people like me without XBL, so a much higher standard of QA is required as you can't rely on fixing issues with later patches. The whole epxerience left a rather bitter aftertaste to what is still one of my all-time favourite games tbh.

I am not keen on DLC.
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meg knight
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:13 am

Got all except MZ, and my least fav was O:A... Was simply too short in my opinion :blink:
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Josee Leach
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:55 am

All of the DLCs are short. The Pitt could have been such an excellent DLC. Back in the old days, gamesas would've turned The Pitt into something more fleshed out like Bloodmoon...
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Post » Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:44 am

All of the DLCs are short. The Pitt could have been such an excellent DLC. Back in the old days, gamesas would've turned The Pitt into something more fleshed out like Bloodmoon...

For the space it takes up, and for everything it adds, I think it's a pretty good deal.
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:48 pm

I found them all fun. But if i must choose, it would be operation anchorage. The story was short, you got the achievements TOO fast and the surroundings were really boxed in. It took out the whole open world feeling of fallout. Still ive enjoyed it..and the gauss rifle is one of my favorite (even though it has weird accuracy).
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Post » Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:37 pm

Anchorage was probably the worst for me, as it had zero exploration and a boring, on-rails plot that could've been way better. However, the items you got outta there were awesome; the Gauss Rifle and T-51b have seen near-constant use since I beat Anchorage. Likewise, with Zeta, I felt the plot and characters were much more interesting than Anchorage, but it was much too short and the items weren't as good. More Alien Blaster ammo was great, though, and the AD is pretty cool too.
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