My question too all fallout fan`s and gamer`s is.... "Would you ever buy Bethesda`s game`s ever again after these`s terrible glitches & Bugs in FNV"?,And dose it make you think twice about buying the next Bethesda game or fallout game when it`s released?....And do you think the Bethesda game`s has lost it`s faith with gamer`s? Thanks all

No comment on the grammar lol.
"Would you ever buy Bethesda`s game`s ever again after these`s terrible glitches & Bugs in FNV"?
What bad glitches and bugs? I had 0 on the PC. Maxed the graphics, played for 12-14 hours at a time and logged one complete play and three new plays in 79 hours. (first play finished at 60 hours or so)
I can think of maybe two crashes, and no bugs. I just needed a break from the game and ended up hooked on others.
(Civ5, Alpha protocol, Borderlands)
I also have great luck out of.
Morrowind Xbox/Pc
Oblivion Xbox/Pc
Fallout 3
Fallout N.V.
does it make you think twice about buying the next Bethesda game? or fallout game when it`s released?
And do you think the Bethesda game`s has lost it`s faith with gamer`s?
Only if you are extremely short sighted, and have no patience.
Yes, some people had problems, but I think most of it was hardware related. Be it bad drivers or such on the PC or a failing console.
Most people who throw a fit and say they will never buy another beth soft game ever will run right out and buy the next one.
I personally can not wait for the Next Elder Scrolls, and fallout game. I even plan on going back and playing morrowind and Oblivion again at some point when I get the time.
And finishing N.V again a time or two more, but other games are holding me.