as we now know alchemy and enchanting are in so my big question is will they be balanced, as in will they be abuse proof??!!!
in alchemy we had a huge problem in OB and morrowind, the problem was the potion fest, your health is low NO PROBLEM just drink potions and you will live forever, it made the game lame to be solve this Skyrim better have some kind of balancing system for healing potions at least if not all potions, like you can only drink a healing potion every 10 seconds or 20 seconds or maybe potions heal slowly over time, anything to stop the potion drinking fest.
Also in alchemy in OB the poisons were lame because they were one time use only, the fix for this is easy, make poisons time based like in the witcher, BETTER YET make some Oils for weapon coating like in the witcher that would be great, as for arrows make it so that every bottle of oil/solution can "coat" 25 arrows or more it depends on balance i guess.
Also in alchemy we had no offensive potions, like grenades and poison cloud potions and such... I would love to see such things

In enchanting however my problem lies in the enchantments themselves, they are either too weak (few, no diversity) or too powerful (100 resist, or 50 reflect!) also I hope we can enchant staffs that shot this time around, to solve this maybe a cap on enchants might be placed.
I also have a problem with some spell effects, will chameleon and reflect magic still exist in Skyrim if so, how are they going to balance them out?? For me i hope chameleon effect is removed, and reflect effect is balance or changed because having 100 reflect makes the game lame, this applies to all resistance magics and to absorb.
And since i made a new thread I might as well throw telekinesis in and say that I hope its like the spell in dark messiah where if you had enough mana you could lift a sarcophagus and throw it at the enemy's face.
also I hope the 85 spell effects are awesome (like flame wave, ice nova, meteor and such...etc) because I don't want magic to be lame again like in OB.