This is insipired by the series "Nuclear coleslaw" that intern is inspired by Fallout
but as you can see, they dont stay as true to the series. The porm mag used should have been the "the kats paw" or atleast a 1950s era rag. As well they dont tend to lend anything much morHee to the series other than the caps.
Now what we need are some good stories.
The idea isnt to be be long running storyline, but to follow the random encounters, events, and survival of wastelander in the same way nuclear coleslaw does.
we also need some ideas ASAP so we can start the first episode.
here are some guidelines
We have all of the software and skills to make special effects like muzzle flashes, lazers, explosions, ect.
We are limited to actors, we already have a good wastelander, but we probubly wont be able to get more than 5 actors at a time.
We are also limited on props, see for prop makers.
We are based in louisiana, so desert scenes are out of the question, this place is coverd in plenty of abandoned buildings and junk yards.
FOR PROP MAKERS (for more advanced expensive props, we would gladly return them when we finished useing them) (also be sure to check my fallout larp thread comeing soon)
We can easily reproduce things that can have labels printed out and slapped on an existing box, like mentats and buffout ect.
Nuka cola and caps, buying cokea-cola in its classic glass bottel form isnt cheap, and none of us are real beer drinkers. so tons of caps and classic coke bottles would be useful.
Guns, we dont have the budget to create accurate representations of fallout weapons, our solution is "zip guns" these being hand crafted single shot rifles and pistols, that wouldnt be far from common in the fallout world. What we need from the fans is to buff up our variety. If you can make accurate fallout weapons, we would gladly use them.
We have the capability for some semi accurate ghoul makeup, (the nose is the only problem) but if you want to donate fx makeup ect feel free.
We wouldnt really expcect to use much brotherhood of steel, it would be awsome.... but just too expensive.
Super Mutants are basicly impossible. We dont have anyone near that type of stature.
WAIT WAIT WATI! : wait till we finish the first episode. we want you to know we can do good quality work before you start sending us props.