1. What tips could you give me for a topic to use in general?(not a specific topic, but only for what types)
Hmm... personally, I have a few things I do for topics: historical events gone into detail, game quests with some major twists, or just non-main plotline original stories. For example, I have a few ideas bouncing around to do the Alessian Rebellion, the Galerion-Mannimarco conflict, and a war between the knightly orders in Hammerfell and High Rock (which would be historical things). I recently ended "Fallen Champion: Garzog", which was based on the Oblivion side quest "Last King of the Ayleids". And I have quite a few ideas for original stories (Illusionist anarchist cult, Mages guild civil war, etc.)
Basically I got a lot of my ideas just cruising around the UESP wiki lore, playing Oblivion, and reading this forum. Some of these stories have really inspired me.
But yeah, be completely sure you absolutely love an idea and can write a lot about it before starting. Always plan stuff out

2. How long do you believe each chapter should be?
That will depend on the content of the chapter. Dialogue makes pages go by faster, while descriptive stuff can eat up a word count. But one thing to keep in mind with chapters: each chapter should almost be like a story in and of itself. It should have an exposition (if the scene is different than the last chapter), it should have some rising action, and it should have a mini-climix. And so long as it isn't a cliffhanger, it should have a bit of a resolution. Keep these in mind with the overall plot and you have the makings of a good story

3. For those of you who know me, is my writing good enough for writing succesful fan fiction?
Sorry, but I don't know you all that well :embarassed: But I do know that anyone can write a fan fiction that they enjoy and get some decent feedback. It is really rare to post a story and absolutely no one say anything to you. Most of the time you will get some pretty good feedback as well. Go ahead

4. How should each line be spaced out?
Yeah, hit enter after each paragraph twice. Indentations don't work too well here, so it is a good idea to double space. Check out other stories for examples.
5. Is basing my fan fiction off of my actual character(from Oblivon) a good idea?
Once again, it really depends. I wouldn't advise it, being that it tends to lead to a less developed plot and much less characterization. I base my Oblivion characters off my writing :rock: You can if you want, and I've seen it done countless times, but please avoid doing the main quest. I know you can come up with new ideas, but it is usually better to get an original idea.
6. Is there any other advice that you could give me?
Uhh... "Show, don't tell", no ninjas or uber guys, remember the basic rules of plot, the introduction is the most important part of the story, and most stories are character driven (plot is great, but the characters make the novel. Silence of the Lambs would have been crap without Hannibal

other questions about this section of the forums:
1. What point of view are stories mostly written in?
Anything you want, though third and first are most common. Going into specifics beyond that would really depend on a few things from the story. First person tends to be restricted to one character for easier reading, but it helps to characterize that one like crazy. Third can get plots across easier, though characterization and grammar are more difficult, and multiple character points of view would require it. There are other rules, but I would say go with what you're more comfortable with.
2. Are comedies usually put on here?
I've seen them, and they're all fine and good, but they won't help your writing skill as much. If you want to make people laugh then that's your stuff, but I like more serious stories.