Imperial Legion Mod

Post » Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:00 am

Hey guy's so I got the imperial legon mod from the file is made by username Ice Eyes, the file itself is Guard.32 I numorus mods none that I think are conflicting with it. I just need help on one of the quests that it offers (I'm hoping someone has ran into this problem) the quest is called "The Master Thief" involves a woman named Lena and a man named Triock, the initial quest is your supposed to stop a jail break involving these two, once in the jail in bravil the mod stops you to watch the two escape (which is part of the quest) you get a quest update telling you that they've escaped and you need to tell your superior that it's happened. Once you tell your superior you get another update telling you to go back to bravil and ask the jailor if he has seen anything that will help you locate Triock or Lena, he gives you a page from Triocks diary telling "Lena" he is going to get some kind of magical item (sorry I can't remember what exactly it's called) but he hid it in the Arcane University. So the quest leads you to the Arcane University and he is on the side near bushes wearing a bravil guard uniform once you reach Triock another quest update tells you to take him down, the mod then holds you inplace again while you watch him run behind a bush and then come out swinging once the fight is engauged (your body guard and a number of battlemages join in) no matter how much you swing at the guy it doesn't seem his health is going down, everyone else who is hitting him looses their life slowly with each hit, so I've tried everything to kill him once I found something that works, it just knocks him unconcious and doesn't give you a quest update, and then the NPC gets up and discontinues the fight and is just really mad at you, then nothing happens can someone please help me with this I've tried everything I've checked the bushes to see if he's dropped something, I've tried knocking him unconcious and looting him to see if he has the item, I've tried knocking him unconcious to get him to stop fighting and pickpocketed him and still nothing can someone please help????????????
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Maddy Paul
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