This is a project in progress by Me and me alone (plus the very few people that has helped write scripts)
Everything: ME
***Could use some help with scripts and quests***
From the rumors that you have heard around the towns, cities and across Tamerial there has been a new Ayleid ruin discovered. Its unknown what lies beyond the Ivory colored door. Many say that there is great treasure. Some say that if you step more than a few feet in you will be instantly vaporized. Others say that this could be the greatest find of the Era. All you know is that it is a new find, no foot has placed inside in the past 3000 years or longer. You would really like to be able to explore the newly found ruin.
More to come when I can learn to be more creative :/
Some Pictures: OK just one:
Why can I not show the image in the thread >:(
Whats left:
The *entire* quest line (Looking for someone whose willing to help with the quests, I have the basic information for what I want it to do, but I do not understand the quest dialogs)
A few random scripts for this and that
New Guard NPC's
Finish the first area of 5 or more areas
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5
Possibly Area 6-10 ??? Depends on if I have time to do this many interiors
Vault/Hidden Treasure Room
Escape Cave system
More to come possibly