Want To Buy All Dlc For The Game.

Post » Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:54 am

Hello everyone, I asked this question on the steam forums but didnt get a responce yet. My question is if I buy the steam version of the game. Can I run mods with it? I am looking to run the Mod Manager and Quarl's testure Pack are the mods I am most conserned about. I will run more but those are the most important.
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:42 am

Mods work with the Steam version, yes.

But the DLCs really aren't worth the money, at all (Knights of the Nine is, but that's much bigger than the normal DLCs. Mehrunes' Razor is OK. The rest are really just not worth the time it takes to download, much less money). Go with fan-created mods - they're generally much better, and always cheaper.
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Laura Wilson
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