Geomancy--new Spells Not Showing Up

Post » Tue Dec 14, 2010 1:38 am

I have OOO installed with the geomancy stuff enabled. Have read the book required to use them however, when I have the gems in my inventory I only get the spells for 2 types of gems not all of them. Are these spells related to levels of magic or character levels in some way, or is this just a bug?
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James Rhead
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Post » Tue Dec 14, 2010 5:38 am

I haven't used OOO in a long time, but I somewhat recall that you only gain the spells that use items that you have on hand, so if you have pearls and topaz, but no other types, you only get two spells. I could be mistaken, though. Like I said, it's been a while since I played it.
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Post » Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:39 pm

I have OOO installed with the geomancy stuff enabled. Have read the book required to use them however, when I have the gems in my inventory I only get the spells for 2 types of gems not all of them. Are these spells related to levels of magic or character levels in some way, or is this just a bug?

The only thing I know, from the last time I used those spells, is that you only have them when that gem is in your inventory, and each stone is a single-use item. Once it's used, you lose the spells until you get another stone.

If you have one of each gem, you should have each spell. But you only get the spell while you have the proper gem.
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Tue Dec 14, 2010 1:59 pm

The spells are on the gems themselves. So, if you have five gems, two of them are from OOO and three of them are from a different mod, you'll only get the spells from the two gems that have the OOO scripts on them.
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adam holden
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Post » Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:01 am

The spells are on the gems themselves. So, if you have five gems, two of them are from OOO and three of them are from a different mod, you'll only get the spells from the two gems that have the OOO scripts on them.

I made an OBSE version of Gem and Dust for OOO which allows you to crush multiple gems at the same time. The script for geomancy only requires that you have a gem of a certain name, or type... i forget now, in your inventory. If you want to you can download my mod here.

You need to read the book at the mages guild in order to activate it. If you have COBL you can use the menu installed with COBL to also activate Geomancy for OOO as well :)
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Sweet Blighty
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Post » Tue Dec 14, 2010 5:33 am

The spells are on the gems themselves. So, if you have five gems, two of them are from OOO and three of them are from a different mod, you'll only get the spells from the two gems that have the OOO scripts on them.

I'm was thinking this might be the problem (or something like this). I have two 'versions' of the topaz gem for instance (the only way I know they are different gems is because they don't stack with each other), one gives me the geomancy spell and the other doesn't. So other than just putting the gem in your inventory and checking to see if it added the spell there is no way to tell which 'version' of a gem gives you a spell?

I guess I could use the ones that don't work with geomancy to make gem dust with...

Thanks for the help. :)
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