Can someone explain in layman's terms how Tamriel came to be and how Camoran's perspective plays into that? a good discusion.
The short haul is that everything we know about history comes from the Aedra. They Aedra claim they made Mundus with Lorkhan and saw that it wasn't what he had promised. So they quit and they stuck Lorkhans heart in Nirn to keep it in existence or imprison Lorkhan.
Mankar claims that these Aedra were Lorkhans lieutenants who rebelled against him and falsified the history. As proof he offers the simple fact that they couldn't remove Lorkhan from their myths nor could they destroy Lorkhan's heart because it was the heart of the World, Lorkhans world, the one they were bound too.
I don't think he attributed a single Oblivion realm to the appropriate prince.
I can't even do that without having to look it up. Being able to do so would qualify you as a wackjob.

It wasn't Mankars fault though and everything else he says is steady. The excuse was that they mistook the draft for the final version, something along those lines.